Two Weeks Remain to Apply for Aid for Tropical Storm Damages 

Release Date: December 14, 1998
Release Number: 1259-07

» More Information on Florida Tropical Storm Mitch

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- Only two weeks remain for anyone who suffered damages during Tropical Storm Mitch to apply for federal/state aid.

"We are urging residents and business owners who had property losses in Monroe or Palm Beach counties as a result of Mitch to register for assistance before the Jan. 4 deadline," said Acting Federal Coordinating Officer Pat Seaman of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

To apply, persons should call the toll-free FEMA line at 1-800-462-9029, or 1-800-462-7585 for those with speech or hearing impairments.

The final day for Mitch victims to apply for a U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) loan also is Jan. 4. The time for applications for Hurricane Georges damages ended last month.

Monroe and Palm Beach counties were included in the Mitch declaration for individual assistance. Monroe County also was made eligible for public assistance.

Persons who already have filed for assistance for Mitch damages may continue to receive help on the status of their applications by calling the FEMA toll-free Helpline. That number is 1-800-525-0321, or 1-800-660-8005 for those with hearing or speech impairments.

Last Modified: Wednesday, 14-Jan-2004 10:27:23