Welcome to NAADD

The National Association on Alcohol, Drugs and Disability Inc., (NAADD) promotes awareness and education about substance abuse among people with co-existing disabilities. The mission of NAADD is to create public awareness of issues related to alcoholism, drug addiction, and substance abuse faced by persons with other co-existing disabilities, and to provide a peer approach to enhance access to services, information, education and prevention through the collaborative efforts of interested individuals and organizations nationwide.

How We help

We connect and support individuals and organizations with an interest in substance abuse and disability through a network that shares information, strategies, resources and ideas; We provide a federal and state government presence to increase opportunities for a high quality research and innovative local programming related to substance abuse and co-existing disabilities;

  • We generate and disseminate information about alcohol, drugs and disability through newsletters, journal articles and the Internet;
  • We improve access to substance abuse treatment and community services for people with co-existing disabilities;
  • We convene regional and national conferences;
  • We mobilize collaborative efforts to more efficiently communicate with policy makers.

    We are spread across the United States with offices in Florida and California. NAADD bylaws dictate that a minimum of 51% of the Board members shall be persons with disabilities.


    Common Drug Information

    The Athlete

    Domestic Violence Information

    Domestic Violence Services