FEMA Releases $8.6 Million To Help New York City 

Release Date: April 15, 2003
Release Number: 1391-204

» More Information on New York Terrorist Attack

New York, NY -- The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) obligated an additional $8.6 million to the state of New York today to help New York City continue its long-term recovery from the World Trade Center attack.

The new grants totaling $8,645,249 will reimburse the New York City Mayor's office for telecommunications and computer equipment and services, as well as other supplies and furnishings needed to re-establish the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and the Alternative Seat of Government in the aftermath of the disaster. Both facilities, which had been located in the WTC complex, were destroyed on Sept. 11. They are currently housed in a temporary location until a new facility is completed.

The latest round of Public Assistance funding will also cover the cost of telecommunications equipment used at the city-managed Family Assistance Center and the EOC/Mayor's Command Center, which were temporarily located at Piers 94 and 92, respectively, in the early months following the disaster.

"President Bush remains fully committed to helping New York City rebuild," said Michael D. Brown, under secretary for Emergency Preparedness and Response at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. "The ability of the Mayor's office and city's OEM to respond quickly and decisively to a disaster of any magnitude is critical and these funds will help."

Commenting on the release of the funds, New York State Emergency Management Office Director Edward F. Jacoby, Jr. said, "New York City put into place an efficient emergency command center in the days following the September 11 attack. New York State is proud to be a part of the reimbursement process that funds such an important mission."

The grants are funded through the FEMA/State of New York Public Assistance program. President Bush authorized FEMA to pay for 100 percent of the program costs following his disaster declaration after the Sept. 11 tragedy. Public Assistance reimburses government agencies and certain non-profits providing a government-like service for eligible disaster-related damages and costs not covered by insurance.

Among the categories eligible for reimbursement are the repair or restoration of damaged public facilities, debris removal and emergency protective measures.

Last Modified: Tuesday, 15-Apr-2003 14:23:01