FEMA Awards $1.2 Million To Kansas For State And Local Homeland Security Efforts 

Release Date: January 2, 2003
Release Number: R7-03-01

» 2003 Region VII News Releases

Kansas City, MO -- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Regional Director Dick Hainje announced today FEMA would grant $1,257,288 to the state of Kansas to help with state and local homeland security efforts.

Grant funds will aid state and local responders and emergency managers in preparing to respond to all kinds of emergencies, natural and manmade. Funds will also be made available to promote the growth of Citizen Corps, a component of the USA Freedom Corps, developed to provide individuals with opportunities to volunteer in a range of homeland security measures within their communities.

"This grant will give Kansas and its local communities a down payment on plans to modernize and strengthen emergency preparedness statewide," Hainje said.

The funds are being provided through the fiscal year 2002 Supplemental Appropriations Act For Further Recovery From and Response to Terrorist Attacks. Of the $1,257,288 granted to Kansas:

The EOP grants will assist local governments in developing comprehensive plans, linked through mutual aid agreements, and in outlining the specific roles for all first responders (fire service, law enforcement, emergency medical service, public works, etc.) in responding to terrorist incidents and other disasters. Administered by FEMA's Office of National Preparedness, at least 75 percent of the grant amount is required to go to local governments.

Grants for Citizen Corps will address the formation of Citizen Corps Councils and the expansion of the CERT program, which trains individuals in emergency response skills. The state is required to pass through at least 75 percent of this grant award to local governments, including Tribal Nations.

There are no cost-share or match requirements associated with this funding. All grants and sub-grants are 100 percent federal funding.

"This $1,257,288 is the beginning. These grants are critical to supporting our state and local partners in preparing for all kinds of disasters, natural or manmade," Hainje said.

Last Modified: Friday, 18-Apr-2003 11:18:44