FEMA Offers Safety Tips on Protecting Against Extreme Cold Gripping Much of the Nation 

Release Date: January 29, 2003
Release Number: R2-03-01

New York, NY -- The current cold snap across much of the U.S. reminds us that even areas with normally mild winters can be hit with extreme cold. Severe winter weather conditions, such as extreme cold, ice storms and high winds, can produce widespread power outages. With this in mind, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is encouraging families to take steps to ensure safety and take the sting out of wintry weather.

"Now's the time to do an inventory to make sure that you have what you need in case of an emergency," said FEMA Region II Acting Regional Director Joseph F. Picciano. "Its all about being prepared and protected whether you're at home or in your car."

For more information and tips on preparing for winter weather, visit www.fema.gov.

Last Modified: Tuesday, 08-Jul-2003 10:44:38