Statement By FEMA Deputy Director Michael D. Brown On The Swearing-In Of Tom Ridge As Secretary Of The Department Of Homeland Security 

Release Date: January 24, 2003
Release Number: HQ-03-022

Washington, DC - FEMA Deputy Director Michael D. Brown, nominated by President Bush as Undersecretary of Homeland Security for Emergency Preparedness and Response, today made the following statement regarding the swearing-in of former Governor Tom Ridge as Secretary of Homeland Security:

"I have worked closely with Secretary Ridge during the last year and have been deeply impressed by his skill and dedication in taking on the enormous responsibility Congress and the President have entrusted to the Department of Homeland Security. Much progress has already been made to better secure our homeland and today's swearing in ushers in a new chapter toward strengthening the security of our country.

"The new Department's all-hazards mission is a natural fit for FEMA's dedicated and experienced workforce. I know I speak for the entire agency when I say we are excited to become part of the Department of Homeland Security and we look forward to working with Secretary Ridge in protecting American lives and property."

Last Modified: Friday, 14-Feb-2003 16:36:29