Statement By Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Region One Director Daniel Craig On Relocation Of FEMA Region One Employees 

Release Date: January 22, 2003
Release Number: R1-03-33

Boston, MA -- "Recently, a FEMA Region I employee informed me that he has been diagnosed with a fibrous mass in his lung and is undergoing further testing. Due to his situation, as well as the ongoing construction in the building that is generating dust and other irritants, I am relocating all Region I employees to the regional operation center as a precautionary measure. This temporary relocation is meant to protect the health and safety of our employees until a full assessment of the environmental situation at our current facility can be conducted."

"We are currently working with the General Services Administration to address environmental concerns at our facility and to inform other tenants in the building. In the meantime, the health of FEMA Region I employees is my chief priority and this proactive relocation is meant to ensure both their physical and mental well-being."

Last Modified: Tuesday, 18-Mar-2003 10:35:53