New Director For FEMA'S Region VII Appointed 

Release Date: July 25, 2000
Release Number: HQ-00-Regviidir

» 2000 Region VII News Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Beth A. Freeman, the disaster services coordinator for U.S. Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa, has been appointed director of Region VII for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). FEMA's Region VII is headquartered in Kansas City, Mo, and is responsible for Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska.

As regional director, Freeman will be responsible for implementing disaster response and recovery activities and overseeing FEMA's prevention and preparedness activities, including Project Impact: Building Disaster Resistant Communities. She also is responsible for the regional office staff and a cadre of Disaster Assistance Employees, temporary workers who are deployed during active disasters.

"Ms. Freeman brings considerable disaster experience to this position and we are pleased to have her join our team," said FEMA Director James L. Witt. "In addition to working with FEMA in the past, Ms. Freeman has worked with the American Red Cross and the U.S. Small Business Administration - two important partners to FEMA's disaster response activities."

Freeman has served as regional director for Senator Harkin since 1991. In addition to her role as the disaster services coordinator, Freeman also provided oversight to three of the Senator's offices in eastern Iowa. Before joining the Senator's staff, Freeman was the executive programs coordinator for the Pacific Asian Management Institute, University of Hawaii.

Previously, Freeman served on the Board of Directors for the Grant Wood Chapter of the American Red Cross and on the National Advisory Council to the Small Business Administration, and was chair of the Cedar Rapids Recreation Commission, a citizen's advisory board.

"Ms. Freeman will be a key part of the success of Project Impact in the Midwest," said Witt. "Her experience will help strengthen our partnerships with state and local emergency management, and promote the concept of disaster resistance."

Freeman holds a Master in Business Administration from the University of Hawaii and a Bachelor of Arts from Drake University.

Last Modified: Friday, 12-Dec-2003 10:41:45