Disaster Preparedness Month; Alaskans Assess Disaster Awareness In April 

Release Date: April 7, 1999
Release Number: R10-99-16

» 1999 Region X News Releases

"Calendar observances like Disaster Preparedness Month allow all of us to look up for a moment from our day-to-day concerns, pause - and reflect on just how prepared we are for the protracted effects of a major natural disaster," said Liebersbach. "Our response and recovery systems here in Alaska are sophisticated and effective, but they can't stop earthquakes, tsunamis, wildfires, or Spring thaw flooding. Responsible, prudent planning is the best way to reduce loss and speed recovery."

This April's highlights include Public Officials Orientations, and Exercise Design Classes for Local Emergency Planning Committee members, mayors, emergency medical technicians, Village Public Safety Officers, harbor masters, school representatives and fire and public works officials. A special Governor's Cabinet Y2K Tabletop Exercise is scheduled for April 20, 1999 in Juneau. The 1999 River Breakup Plan, a 34-page "fill-in-the-blank" planning resource, has already been mailed to more than 80 river communities (for additional copies, call ADES Region 1 Manager, Mike Bird, at (907) 428-7000).

Last Modified: Tuesday, 06-Jan-2004 09:44:50