National Flood Insurance Seminar - A Timely Flood of NFIP Information for Lenders and Agents 

Release Date: December 3, 2001
Release Number: R10-01-61

» 2001 Region X News Releases

Seattle, WA -- Northwest lending institutions and insurance agents have a timely opportunity to better serve their clients by attending a National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) seminar sponsored by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

"One of FEMA's missions is to provide flood insurance to those who need it, and we want agents and lenders to know what they need to know now, before serious flooding hits the northwest," said Carl Cook, FEMA Region 10 Flood Insurance and Mitigation Director. "We have to have lenders and agents not only knowledgeable about the National Flood Insurance Program, but comfortable in handling flood insurance issues."

The workshop for agents is scheduled for Dec. 12, at the Mount Vernon County Administration Building, 700 South 2nd Street, from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The lender's workshop will be at the same location on Dec. 13, from 9 to 11:30 a.m.

The Mount Vernon location is the first of a series of NFIP education seminars offered in the state of Washington by FEMA through May 2002.

Additional workshop information can be obtained by calling the NFIP Region 10 Office at (425) 488-5820, and through email requests to

Last Modified: Friday, 18-May-2007 08:41:30