Commissioner Buckelew Gets Special Recognition From FEMA Region IV 

Release Date: June 21, 2002
Release Number: R4-02-41

Atlanta, GA -- County Commissioner Mary M. Buckelew was recognized by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Region IV Saturday for her work in promoting disaster mitigation efforts in Jefferson County. She has served as chairperson of the 35-member Emergency Management Council, coordinated the county's sponsorship of Community Awareness Day and was instrumental in forming a partnership to build an 80-home disaster resistant community where each home will include a safe room.

"While we cannot prevent hurricanes, tornadoes and other disasters from occurring, we can do something to reduce the possibility of personal injury and the amount of property damage," said FEMA Region IV Director Ken Burris. "Commissioner Buckelew has taken a personal interest in making her county safer and more disaster resistant. I wish every county in the eight southeastern states had a commissioner with her drive, enthusiasm and dedication to the concept of making Disaster Resistant Communities."

Commissioner Buckelew also saw to it that a new fire station and community center being built each included a safe room. She also served as vice president of the Alabama Association of County Commissioners, encouraging all Alabama county commissioners to become more involved in hazard mitigation.

The award was presented during the Southeast Disaster Resistant Communities Summit in Charleston, South Carolina, on June 22. The award was in the Individual Partners category, one of 12 categories in which government entities, businesses and individuals were recognized for their work in safeguarding communities by making them more resistant to natural disasters. Award recipients were nominated by county, state or federal emergency management workers.

Last Modified: Wednesday, 27-Aug-2003 11:24:08