FEMA Awards CHER-CAP Grant To Baltimore 

Release Date: January 22, 2001
Release Number: R3-01-01

Reisterstown, MD -- The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has awarded a $5,000 grant to the Baltimore City Local Emergency Planning Committee under its Comprehensive Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) Emergency Management Response - Capability Assessment Program or CHER-CAP.

CHER-CAP is a FEMA program to assist local communities in improving their hazardous material accident/incident response. The program uses the skills of local, state, and federal governments and industry to identify and address local jurisdictions' HAZMAT preparedness needs.

Baltimore City, which is noted for the large number of industrial chemical sites, has a number of mutual aid partnerships that allow it to respond quickly to hazardous material emergencies. The most prominent of these is the South Baltimore Industrial Mutual Aid Plan (SBIMAP). Under this partnership, Baltimore City and its partners update plans, conduct public awareness campaigns and conduct HAZMAT drills to test their plans. Members of SBIMAP endorse a policy of mutual aid to each other in case of disaster, major emergency or request for assistance by the public sector. The aid may take the form of the loan of supplies, equipment, communications, advice and facilities.

"The State of Maryland, Baltimore City and SBIMAP look forward to partnering with FEMA in the CHER-CAP initiative," said David McMillion, Director of MEMA. "It should enhance preparedness for any HAZMAT incident in the area."

Last Modified: Tuesday, 30-Sep-2003 15:36:09