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Home arrow News Room arrow News Releases arrow NR08-14 - Corps facilities safe and fully operational following S. California earthquake
NR08-14 - Corps facilities safe and fully operational following S. California earthquake Print
Written by Greg Fuderer   
Monday, 28 July 2008

ImageNews Release 08-14
US Army Corps Of Engineers
July 29, 2008 Immediate

Greg Fuderer
Telephone: (213) 452-3923
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Corps facilities safe and fully operational following Southern California earthquake

LOS ANGELES -- There are no reports of damage to Corps flood risk management facilities following the 5.4 earthquake that shook Southern California around noon today.  All dams and flood control structures are fully operational as teams continue to monitor the situation.

When the earthquake struck, Corps of Engineers employees evacuated Corps facilities in accordance with established emergency procedures.  Once the all-clear was given, teams were immediately dispatched to Corps dams to conduct inspections. 

The Los Angeles District owns and operates 16 dams in California, Arizona and Nevada.  Corps dam tenders oversee them 24/7, so that places like Prado Dam in Corona work just as they were designed to do.

In fact, all basins behind the dams are seasonally dry, except for a small amount of water at Santa Fe Dam, kept for water conservation needs.

Every dam is different, but designed with seismic activity in mind.  The Corps conducts comprehensive periodic inspections to ensure the dams’ seismic stability.

Public safety is the district’s top priority; the district continues to work with its partners at various flood control districts to minimize flood risk in the community.

For more information about Corps dams and flood control structures in the Los Angeles District visit our website at

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