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Addressing Regional Needs: CA Climate Change Research Conference

September 10, 2007

Better understanding of climate change on regional scales is a crucial component in managing related societal impacts. In the western United States there is particular interest in how these impacts affect water resources. Researchers from NOAA's Earth System Research Laboratory will share their expertise in this area of study at the 4th Annual California Climate Change Research Conference from 10-13 September 2007, in Sacramento, CA. Marty Ralph will give an invited talk entitled, "A 21st Century Observing System for California Weather and Climate: Current Plans and Future Possibilities," at the session on Climate Change and Water Resources in California. Robert Webb will attend as a member of the NOAA West Regional Team and of the NOAA Integrated Water Resources Services Team. While at the conference, they will also participate in a NWS hosted regional NOAA outreach planning meeting to discuss how to effectively deliver common information, data, and services related to Climate Change.

The goals of this conference are to present the research obtained by the Energy Commission-sponsored research through its California Climate Change Center; provide a forum for individuals interested in regional climate change issues and ongoing research in California; facilitate cross-disciplinary discussion of key climate change research issues to target scientifically and economically sustainable solutions; and provide networking opportunities among institutions to address regional climate change issues. Presentations are tailored to share technical information in an easy-to-understand manner with policy makers, managers, climate change researchers, news media, and the general public.

With growing concern on the impact of regional climate change, it is important for cross-discipline and cross-agency collaborations in order to assess and better understand the interrelationships of a wide spectrum of information. By providing climate, weather and water information and resources, NOAA helps inform decisions-makers and the nation. Development of the vision for a 21st Century Observing System for California Weather and Climate has resulted from a decade of research by NOAA PSD and its partners in other NOAA labs, universities, the NWS, and at Scripps, the California Department of Water Resources and other agencies and groups.

Contact: Marty Ralph