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Researchers Co-Convene Unique Joint Session at AMS Conference

August 20, 2007

For the first time at an American Meteorological Society (AMS) meeting, a joint session will be held between the air-sea and upper atmosphere communities. Michael Alexander and Judith Perlwitz, of the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory will co-convene the "Middle Atmosphere/Troposphere/Ocean Interactions" session on August 22, 2007, in Portland, Oregon. Researchers attending the 15th Conference on Air-Sea Interaction and the 14th Conference on Middle Atmosphere will come together to discuss interactions across three major components of the earth system: the ocean, troposphere, and stratosphere.

While ocean-troposphere and troposphere-stratosphere coupling have been widely investigated, the impact of including coupling with the third component on climate variability is not well understood. There is increasing evidence, however, that the coupling among these three components is important in determining the predictive capability of the climate system from weekly to decadal time scales. NOAA operational forecast models do not currently include many of these potentially important air-sea and upper atmosphere processes and feedback mechanisms.

This session could help facilitate new research between the air-sea and upper atmosphere communities on the interactions of the climate system, its predictability, and its response to natural climate variability and anthropogenic climate change. A more comprehensive representation of air-sea and upper atmosphere interactions and feedback is an untapped area that may improve the performance of climate system models. These activities support NOAA's mission goals of understanding climate variability and change to enhance society's ability to plan and respond, and serving society's need for weather and water information.

Contact: Judith Perlwitz