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Western States Water Council Climate Change Workshop

May 8, 2007

Robert Webb, a researcher at the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Physical Sciences Division, will present a talk at the Western States Water Council (WSWC) Climate Change Workshop, May 16-18, 2007, in Irvine, CA. Dr. Webb's talk, entitled "Engaging the Federal Climate Change Science Program (CCSP) Agencies," will discuss NOAA's contributions to CCSP, and also describe the potential roles of end users of climate data and research (e.g. state and local water agencies) in working with NOAA to advance the nation's capability to mitigate and adapt to climate change impacts.

The Western States Water Council is an organization consisting of representatives appointed by the governors of 18 western states. The Council works to accomplish effective cooperation among western states in the conservation, development and management of water resources, and analyzes developments in government policy in order to assist member states in evaluating impacts of federal laws and programs and the effectiveness of state laws and policies.

With growing changes in demands on limited water resources, state and local governments must try to assess and understand a wide spectrum of information in order to make water management decisions. By providing information and resources on climate change, NOAA helps inform decision-makers in order to mitigate potential societal impacts.

Contact: Robert Webb More Information: