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PSD at AGU Annual Fall Meeting

December 13, 2006

Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, CA Researchers from the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Physical Sciences Division (PSD) will participate in the American Geophysical Union's (AGU) Fall Meeting 2006 December 11-15 in San Francisco, CA. PSD talks and posters to be presented include:

  • Mike Alexander: "The Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO): Mechanisms, Predictability and Impact on Climate Variability over the Americas," "Daily to Decadal Sea Surface Temperature Variability Driven by State-Dependent Stochastic Heat Fluxes," and "Decadal Variability in the North Pacific Ocean in a Coupled Physical-Ecosystem Model"
  • Jian-wen Bao: "Air-Sea Fluxes in Hurricanes From GPS Dropsondes and a Fully Coupled Model," Diagnostic and Mechanistic Evaluations of MM5-CMAQ for the Summer 2000 Central California Ozone Study," "Parameterization of the Sea-Spray Effects in the Hurricane Atmospheric Boundary Layer," "A flow-following finite-volume icosahedral model," and "A Method to Illustrate and Measure the Relative sensitivity of RCMs to Uncertainties in the Physics Parameterizations and the Large-Scale Forcing"
  • Henry Diaz: "As the West Warms: Watching Our Home Burn," and "Simulating Climate Change in Central America Using PRECIS Regional Modeling System"
  • Chris Fairall: "Parameterization of the Sea-Spray Effects in the Hurricane Atmospheric Boundary Layer" and "Turbulent Surface Flux Measurements over Snow-Covered Sea Ice"
  • Marty Hoerling: "The Meteorological Footprints of US Drought and their Oceanic Origins," "Diagnosing Sources of U.S. Seasonal forecast Skill," and "Attribution of East Asian summer interdecadal variations: one simulation study by the GFDL AM2"
  • George Kiladis: "Interannual Variability of Atmospheric Kelvin Wave Activity Over South America" and "Horizontal and Vertical Structure of Easterly Waves in the Pacific ITCZ"
  • David Kingsmill: "Hydrometeorology Testbed in the American River Basin of Northern California"
  • Marty Ralph: "The Hydrometeorological Testbed (HMT): Opportunities for Scenario Development in a Framework of Improving Precipitation and Streamflow Science and Prediction"

The AGU is a nonprofit scientific organization, was established in 1919 by the National Research Council and for more than 50 years operated as an unincorporated affiliate of the National Academy of Sciences. AGU's mission is to promote the scientific study of Earth and its environment in space and to disseminate the results to the public, promote cooperation among scientific organizations involved in geophysics and related disciplines, initiate and participate in geophysical research programs, and advance the various geophysical disciplines through scientific discussion, publication, and dissemination of information.

Participation in professional societies such as AGU encourages research and communication of new theories and techniques. It is also a means for fostering cooperation and collaboration between national and international organizations. The research PSD scientists present at AGU conferences supports NOAA's mission goals of understanding climate variability and change to enhance society's ability to plan and respond, and serves society's needs for weather and water information.

(Photo courtesy of the San Francisco Convention & Visitors Bureau)

Contact: Barb DeLuisi More Information: