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Grand Opening of SEARCH Observatory in Eureka, Canada

July 20, 2006

SEARCH observatory in Eureka, CAN The NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL), in conjunction with the Canadian Network for Detection of Arctic Change (CANDAC) program, and the Meteorological Service of Canada, is co-hosting a grand opening of a research site located in Eureka, Nunavut on Ellesmere Island; one of the most northerly research stations in Canada. On July 24, 2006 scientists, government representatives, and media from Canada and the U.S. will attend official activities and have the opportunity to visit an observatory established through the NOAA Atmospheric Observatory Program, Canada's Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory (PEARL), the newly rebuilt meteorological Services Canada weather station, and experience the surroundings and wildlife of this remote region of Canada.

The NOAA observatory is operated in Canada's High Arctic by the NOAA Arctic Programs Office through ESRL as a contribution to the U.S. Studies of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH) program. The observatory was established in August 2005 by the ESRL Physical Sciences Division and ESRL Global Monitoring Division in collaboration with the University of Wisconsin, the University of Idaho, and the CANDAC program. It was designed to make long-term climate measurements of Arctic clouds and aerosols. A collection of state-of-the-art scientific measurement equipment has been assembled at the site, including cloud radar, high spectral resolution lidar and spectral and narrow-band radiometers.

NOAA-SEARCH seeks to establish a number of intensive measurements that can be compared between Arctic regions. The emphasis of these activities will be on determining attribution and developing databases and information that can be used for mitigation and adaptation strategies not only in the Arctic, but throughout the global climate system which is inextricably linked to Arctic changes. International cooperation and collaboration, as in this case with Canada, is a crucial component in successful and comprehensive global climate research. These activities support NOAA's mission goal of understanding climate variability and change to enhance society's ability to plan and respond.

Contact: Taneil Uttal