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2006 NAME Program Deployment

NAME logo and link The NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Physical Sciences Division (PSD) is currently setting up their third field study to monitor annual variability as part of the North American Monsoon Experiment (NAME). From July through September 2006, PSD instrumentation in Estación Obispo, Mexico will collect a variety of surface data including air temperature, wind speed/direction, heat flux, relative humidity, soil moisture, and cloud heights.

The North American Monsoon is an annual system of high pressure originating in the Gulf of California that brings rainfall from July-September to the southwestern United States. NAME is a multi-year international science program with significant funding from NOAA, which was designed to improve model simulations and predictions of the North American Monsoon through collection of a broad set of meteorological, hydrological and oceanographic data.

Improved computer models of the North American Monsoon can be analyzed in order to increase understanding of the Monsoon's intricate climate processes and improve forecasting capabilities. This research supports NOAA's mission goal of understanding climate variability and change to enhance society's ability to plan and respond.

Contact: Clark King More Information: NAME Web Site