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MRPBS - Forms - APHIS Forms - APHIS 346 Instructions


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Effective immediately, MRP Form 346 (PDF; 6Kb)(Formerly APHIS Form 346) will no longer be available from the Landover, MD warehouse. This is being done in compliance with Vice President Gore's Reinvention initiatives on streamlining practices and discontinuing mandatory use of certain forms. 

WHAT WAS THE PURPOSE THIS FORM? To record the tour of duty (TOD) of each employee. The form was placed in each employee's official Time and Attendance (T&A) file. This designation was/is used to determine an employee's pay in cases where an excused absence (commonly called 'administrative leave') from the work site was granted due to an emergency or other situation, for example: weather, bomb threat, holiday dismissal (early dismissal on Christmas Eve), fire, etc. 

DOES THIS MEAN WE NO LONGER DESIGNATE TODs? No! Each employee's approved TOD still must be documented in the official T&A file. Any format that shows the TOD (days and hours requested by the employee and approved by the supervisor) is acceptable. 

Once established, an employee's TOD is fixed until a change is requested and approved. Any changes to the TOD, whether temporary or permanent, must be documented in the T&A file.

Supervisors should work with employees to decide the best way to designate TODs and keep them current in the T&A file. To help, here are some OPTIONS. 

  • Employees may request a TOD through an e-mail message to be placed in their official T&A records.
  • Supervisors may approve the use of a bi-weekly staff schedule as an official designation of the TOD for the pay period.
  • Employees may provide supervisors with a memo requesting a specific TOD.
  • Programs may still use MRP Form 346 (PDF; 6Kb), which can be electronically distributed to employees.
  • Programs may develop their own internal form to meet their needs.

Last Modified: March 4, 2008

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