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Religious Politics in Iraq - Part II
Current Issues Briefing

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The magnificent facade of the Abbas Mosque in Karbala. (UN/DPI Photo #158378C by J. Isaac)
The facade of the Abbas Mosque in Karbala, Iraq.
(UN/DPI Photo #158378C by J. Isaac)

Date and Time
Wednesday, December 17, 2003
10:00AM - Noon

U.S. Institute of Peace
2nd Floor Conference Room
1200 17th St, NW
Washington, DC 20036

As part of its ongoing work on the role of religion in peacebuilding, USIP on December 17 hosted a Current Issues Briefing to explore some of the dynamics of religion and politics in Iraq. Moderated by David Smock, director of the Institute's Religion and Peacemaking Initiative, the panel explored such issues as:

  • What role are religion and religious leaders playing in Iraq political developments?
  • What religious movements are gaining predominance?
  • What are the ideologies of these movements?
  • What place is Islam likely to be accorded in a new Iraqi constitution?

Featuring a panel of distinguished experts on Islam and Iraqi politics, the session was webcast live on December 17.


  • Amatzia Baram
    Senior Fellow, U.S. Institute of Peace
  • Faleh Jabar
    Senior Fellow, U.S. Institute of Peace; and author of The Shiite Movement in Iraq
  • Ahmed al-Rahim
    Preceptor, Classical Arabic Language and Literature, Harvard University
  • David Smock, Moderator
    Director, Religion and Peacemaking Initiative, U.S. Institute of Peace

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