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Office of Disability

Biography of Michael Morris

Mr. Michael Morris is the Director of the National Disability Institute (NDI) of the National Cooperative Bank Development Corporation (NCBDC) in Washington, D.C. Mr. Morris is also the associate director of the Law, Health Policy, and Disability Center at the University of Iowa. He has over 20 years of experience in systems change activities to advance employment and economic independence for individuals with disabilities with the collaboration of government, the business community, and private Foundations.

Mr. Morris received his undergraduate degree with honors in political science from Case Western University in Cleveland, Ohio and his law degree from Emory University School of Law in Atlanta, Georgia. In 1981, Morris was named the first Joseph P. Kennedy Fellow in Public Policy and came to Washington, D.C. to work in the Office of Connecticut Senator Lowell Weicker, as legal counsel to the United States Senate Subcommittee on the Handicapped. Mr. Morris also served subsequently as counsel to the U.S. Senate Small Business Committee.

From Capital Hill, Mr. Morris went to work at United Cerebral Palsy Associations first as Director of Government Relations, then as Director of Community Services, and finally as National Executive Director. During his 14-year tenure, his leadership put a focus on needed assistive technology and its essential role in accommodating people with disabilities in the areas of employment, education, housing, communications and daily living.

In 1998, Mr. Morris became Director of the NIDRR, U.S. Department of Education funded Research and Training Center on Workforce Investment and Employment Policy for Persons with Disabilities. Mr. Morris has focused his research and knowledge transfer activities on policy and practices that encourage savings and asset development.

Last Revised: June 17, 2004


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