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Office of Disability

Biography of Stephen S. Allen

4507 Dresden Street
Kensington, Maryland 20895
W: (202) 752-4810
H: (301) 564-0879
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Extensive experience in developing affordable housing and community development programs with federal, state and local government, public agencies, nonprofit and for-profit entities. Effective in improving access to available resources increasing organizational efficiency, managing a large and diverse staff, and congressional oversight. Built public-private partnerships to achieve goals, which have created well over 100,000 units of affordable housing.

Fannie Mae
Washington, D.C.

Senior Business Manager
Fannie Mae’s mission is to provide financial products and services that increase the availability and affordability of low- and moderate-income Americans. Fannie Mae is the nation’ largest purchasers of home mortgage loans. Nationwide responsibility for the development, marketing and testing of special mortgage products that meet the needs of people with disabilities. Achieved $44.6 million on financing which serves 1,605 household with disabilities.

  • Manage the HomeChoice initiative in 17 states to create homeownership opportunities for people with disabilities.
  • Developed technical assistance program to further strengthen the HomeCoice Coalitions that are assisting people with disabilities to become homeowners.
  • Provides ongoing training to lenders that are offering special needs mortgage products.
  • Develops and refines existing special needs mortgage products. Revised the underwriting and servicing requirements for the Community Living product and developed the new retrofit mortgage that provides for access modification.
  • Developed “HomeCoice Notes” newsletter to communicate information on successful transaction, product highlights and Coalition activities. The newsletter is distributed to over 1,600 organization that serve people with disabilities.

Washington, D.C.

Director, Affordable Housing Program
TRC was created by Congress in 1989 to resolve the Savings and Loan crisis. Developed policies for national affordable housing program as required by law. Achieved $1.6 billion in sales, resulting in 113,000 units of affordable housing for low- and moderate-income households. Recruited and managed nationwide staff, multi million dollar budget, management information systems, contracting process with private sector, and produced a national newspaper on the program, The Silver Living. Maintained high visibility with Congress and media.

  • Designed seller-financing programs that provided $346 million in financing for sale of single family and multifamily properties.
  • Implemented program to purchase $58 million in mortgage revenue bonds from the state housing financing agencies for homebuyers of RTC single family properties.
  • Organized Technical Assistance Program whereby nonprofits and public agencies advised purchasers of sales opportunities.
  • Created monitoring and Compliance Program with state housing finance agencies to ensure owner compliance with program regulations for 40,585 set aside units.
  • Planned and FDIC Affordable Housing Program for bank assets that does not require a congressional appropriation.
  • Worked closely with FDIC National Housing Advisory Board on policy development and program oversight.

Washington, D.C.

Associate Director, Neighborhood Preservation Projects
Directed research and development function, with primary responsibility for developing and documenting model public-private programs that met neighborhood needs; these successful model programs were replicated in Neighborhood Housing Services’ neighborhoods across the country.

  • Managed $6 million in research grants that were leveraged with other funds from national organizations, foundations and private lenders.
  • Hired and supervised staff, developed marketing strategies, and disseminated findings to community-based organization.
  • Developed a range of training manuals and other publications, including At Risk of Loss: The Endangered Future of Low-Income Rental Housing.

Worchester, MA

Housing Development Director
Developed affordable housing programs for non profit community development corporation, which administered Model Cities Program and later became major recipient of community development funds for housing and neighborhood revitalization activities. Worked closely with Board of Directors, of which the majority were residents of targeted neighborhoods, as well as the City Manager and City Council.

  • Implemented program whereby community-based non-profits were recruited to sponsor low and moderate-income rental housing under the Section 236 Rental Housing Program.
  • Developed single family owner-occupied rehabilitation program with local lenders.
  • Arranged construction loans and permanent financing with local lenders.

Savannah, GA

Senior Planner
Responsible for administrative and technical work in the planning implementation, and monitoring of physical and economic development programs for the Savannah Model Cities neighborhood. Directed the activities of a planning staff. Worked closely with City Manager and City Council on neighborhood needs and funding priorities.

  • Led planning process for physical and economic development component of the Savannah Model Cities plan that was annually submitted to HUD
  • Organized Savannah Housing Development Corporation (SHADCO), the Savannah Area Minority Contractor Association (SAMCA), and the Savannah Economic Development Corporation (SEDCO), to meet the needs of low-income and minority neighborhood residents, and to encourage neighborhood-based decision making.

Boston, MA

Family Relocation Specialist
Responsible for relocation services under the city of Boston’s Urban Renewal Program. Assigned a caseload of low-income families and individuals forced to relocate due to eminent domain. Identified housing options and coordinated social services.

  • Assigned to the Fenway Urban Renewal Project and the Model Cities Residential Rehabilitation Program.
  • Worked with Boston Housing Authority and private landlords to locate replacement units; worked with Welfare Department and Visiting Burse Association to secure social services.


Parsons College, Fairfield, IA, BA in sociology
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, extension course in Graduate School of Design, Department
of City Planning
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, graduate course work in School of Architechture and
Planning, Department of Urban Studies and Planning
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C., graduate of Urban Technical
Service Pool Training Program

Last Revised: June 17, 2004


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