Library of Congress >> MARC >> Authority >> Names and Terms >> X10

X10 - Corporate Names-General Information

MARC 21 Authority
October 2004

"Full" documentation refers to the MARC 21 Format for Authority Data that contains detailed descriptions of every data element, along with examples, input conventions and history sections.

"Concise" documentation refers to the MARC 21 Concise Format for Authority Data that contains abridged descriptions of every data element, along with examples.

110 - Main Entry - Corporate Name (NR) Full | Concise
410 - See From Tracing - Corporate Name (R) Full | Concise
510 - See Also From Tracing - Corporate Name (R) Full | Concise
710 - Established Heading Linking Entry - Corporate Name (R) Full | Concise

First Indicator
Type of corporate name entry element
0 - Inverted name
1 - Jurisdiction name
2 - Name in direct order

Second Indicator
110/410/510 - Undefined
# - Undefined

710 - Thesaurus
0 - Library of Congress Subject Headings
1 - LC subject headings for children's literature
2 - Medical Subject Headings
3 - National Agricultural Library subject authority file
4 - Source not specified
5 - Canadian Subject Headings
6 - Répertoire de vedettes-matière
7 - Source specified in subfield $2

Subfield Codes
Name portion
$a - Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element (NR)
$b - Subordinate unit (R)
$c - Location of meeting (NR)
$e - Relator term (R)

Name and title portions
$d - Date of meeting or treaty signing (R)
$g - Miscellaneous information (NR)
$n - Number of part/section/meeting (R)

Title portion
$f - Date of a work (NR)
$h - Medium (NR)
$k - Form subheading (R)
$l - Language of a work (NR)
$m - Medium of performance for music (R)
$o - Arranged statement for music (NR)
$p - Name of part/section of a work (R)
$r - Key for music (NR)
$s - Version (NR)
$t - Title of a work (NR)
Tracing and linking subfields
$i - Reference instruction phrase (NR) [410/510]
$w - Control subfield (NR) [410/510/710]
$0 - Record control number (R) [510/710]
$2 - Source of heading or term (NR) [710]
$5 - Institution to which field applies (R) [410/510/710]
$6 - Linkage (NR)
$8 - Field link and sequence number (R)

Subject subdivision portion
$v - Form subdivision (R)
$x - General subdivision (R)
$y - Chronological subdivision (R)
$z - Geographic subdivision (R)


Content designators identify the subelements occurring in a name or name/title heading that contains a corporate name constructed according to generally accepted cataloging and thesaurus-building rules (e.g, Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR2), Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH)). A corporate name, a form subheading, a title of an item or a series, and/or a city section name entered under the name of a jurisdiction are X10 corporate names. A name of a jurisdiction that represents an ecclesiastical entity is an X10 corporate name. For subject purposes, other names of jurisdictions used alone or followed by subject subdivisions are geographic names and are contained in the X51 fields. For non-subject purposes, other names used alone are contained in the X10 fields. A named meeting that is entered directly under a corporate name is contained in the X11 fields. Corporate names used in phrase subject headings (e.g., Catholic Church in art) are contained in the X50 fields.

Only generally-applicable content designators are described in full in this section. A small number of content designators with field-specific instructions are described in the Tracings and References -General Information section (for field 410 and 510) and the 7XX Heading Linking Entries-General Information section (for field 710).


First Indicator - Type of corporate name entry element
Form of the entry element of the name portion of a heading. The values distinguish among an inverted name, a jurisdiction name, and a corporate name in direct order used as the entry element.
0 - Inverted name
Corporate name begins with a personal name that is formatted in inverted order (surname, forename).
410 0#$aNewman (Jean and Dorothy) Industrial Relations Library
410 0#$aLister (D.B.) & Associates
Corporate names beginning with a personal surname alone, a personal name in direct order (not inverted), or containing a personal name other than as the entry element are identified by value 2.
110 2#$aField & Young (Jersey City, N.J.)
110 2#$aNigel Brooks Chorale
1 - Jurisdiction name
Name of a jurisdiction that is also an ecclesiastical entity or is a jurisdiction name under which a corporate name, a city section, or a title of an item or a series is entered.
110 1#$aPennsylvania.$bState Board of Examiners of Nursing Home Administrators
110 1#$aJalisco (Mexico)$tLey que aprueba el plan regional urbano de Guadalajara, 1979-1983
410 1#$aMarseille (France : Diocese : Catholic Church)
410 1#$aCambridge (Mass.).$bEast Cambridge
Corporate names containing a name of a jurisdiction as an integral part of the name or qualified by such a name are identified by value 2.
110 2#$aUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.$bExperimental Music Studios
110 2#$aArizona Family Planning Council
110 2#$aEast Randolph Literary Society (Vt.)
2 - Name in direct order
Corporate name is formatted in direct order. The heading may contain a parenthetical qualifier or may be an acronym or initialism.
110 2#$aHarvard University
110 2#$aNational Gardening Association (U.S.)
110 2#$aPRONAPADE (Firm)
110 2#$aJ. Paul Getty Museum
Second Indicator
In fields 110, 410, and 510, the second indicator position is undefined and contains a blank (#). For field 710, the second indicator position contains one of the values described in the 7XX Heading Linking Entries-General Information section.


$a - Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element
Name of a corporate body or the first entity when subordinate units are present; a jurisdiction name under which a corporate body, city section, or a title of a work is entered; or a jurisdictional name that is also an ecclesiastical entity. A parenthetical qualifying term, jurisdiction name, or date (other than the date of a meeting) is not separately subfield coded.
110 2#$aWinrock International Institute for Agricultural Development
110 2#$aDiscovery (Ship)
110 2#$aEmpire State Building (New York, N.Y.)
110 2#$aUtkal University.$bPopulation Research Centre
110 1#$aBritish Columbia.$bFish and Wildlife Branch
110 1#$aSwitzerland.$tObligationenrecht (1911)
410 1#$aNew York (N.Y.).$bGreenwich Village
$b - Subordinate unit
Name of a subordinate corporate unit, a name of a city section, or a name of meeting entered under a corporate or jurisdiction name.
110 1#$aTexas.$bDept. of Human Services
110 2#$aUniversity of Ife.$bDept. of Demography and Social Statistics
110 2#$aLabour Party (Great Britain).$bConference$n(71st :$cBlackpool)
$c - Location of meeting
Place name or a name of an institution where a meeting was held. Multiple adjacent locations are contained in a single subfield $c.
110 2#$aCatholic Church.$bConcilium Plenarium Americae Latinae$d(1899 :$cRome, Italy)
110 2#$aDemocratic Party (Tex.).$bState Convention$d(1857 :$cWaco)
110 1#$aBotswana.$bDelegation to the Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference, 28th, 1982, Nassau, Bahamas
["Delegation to ..." does not refer to a named meeting; number, date, and place are not separately subfield coded.]
$d - Date of meeting or treaty signing
Date a meeting was held.
110 1#$aNew Hampshire.$bConstitutional Convention$d(1781)
In a name/title X10 field, subfield $d also contains the date a treaty was signed.
110 1#$aAlgeria.$tTreaties, etc.$gEngland and Wales,$d1682 Apr. 20
$e - Relator term
Relationship between a name and a work.
$f - Date of a work
Date of publication used with a title of a work in a name/title heading.
110 2#$aRaleigh Publishing Company.$tWorks.$f1979
Date added parenthetically to a title to distinguish between identical titles entered under the same name is not separately subfield coded.
110 1#$aFrance.$tConstitution (1946)
$g - Miscellaneous information
Data element that is not more appropriately contained in another defined subfield. In a heading for a meeting entered under a corporate body, subfield $g also contains a subelement that is not more appropriately contained in subfields $c, $d, or $n.
110 1#$aMinnesota.$bConstitutional Convention$d(1857 :$gRepublican)
In a name/title X10 field, subfield $g contains the name of the other party to treaties, intergovernmental agreements, etc.
110 1#$aGreat Britain.$tTreaties, etc.$gPoland,$d1948 Mar. 2.$kProtocols, etc.$d1951 Mar. 6
$h - Medium
Media qualifier used with a title of a work in a name/title heading.
110 2#$aPearls Before Swine (Musical group).$tOne nation underground.$hSound recording
$i - Reference instruction phrase [410/510]
Reference instruction phrase other than those that may be system generated from the field tag or from the codes defined for subfield $w (Control subfield). Subfield $i is appropriate only in fields 410 and 510. Guidelines for applying subfield $i are provided in the Tracings and References-General Information section.
$k - Form subheading
Occurs in the title portion of an X10 field. Form subheadings used with corporate names include Manuscript and Selections.
110 2#$aBritish Library.$kManuscript.$nArundel 384
110 1#$aFrance.$tTreaties, etc.$gPoland,$d1948 Mar. 2.$kProtocols, etc.$d1951 Mar. 6
110 2#$aLibrary of Congress.$bCongressional Research Service.$bSenior Specialist Division.$tSoviet diplomacy and negotiating behavior.$lJapanese.$kSelections
$l - Language of a work
Name of a language(s) (or a term representing the language, e.g., Polyglot) used with a title of a work in a name/title heading.
110 2#$aBanco Central de Venezuela.$tProcedimiento para la obtención ...$lEnglish & Spanish
$m - Medium of performance for music
Term(s) designating the medium of performance used in a uniform title for a work in a name/title heading. Subfield $m is unlikely to be used in an X10 field.
$n - Number of part/section/meeting
Number of a meeting that is entered under a corporate name.
110 1#$aUnited States.$bCongress$n(97th, 2nd session :$d1982).$bHouse
Number designation for a part/section of a work used with a title in a name/title heading. Numbering is defined as sequencing in any form (e.g., Part 1, Supplement A, Book two). For music, the serial, opus, or thematic index number, or date used as a number, is contained in subfield $n.
110 1#$aItaly.$tRegio decreto-legge 20 luglio 1934,$nn. 1404.$lGerman
110 2#$aCorpus Christi College (University of Cambridge).$bLibrary.$kManuscript.$n57
110 1#$aPhilippines.$tLabor Code of the Philippines.$nBook 5,$pLabor Relations
[Part/section is both numbered and named.]
Multiple numberings for a part/section separated by a comma (usually alternative numberings) are contained in a single subfield $n.
110 2#$aMontevergine (Abbey).$bBiblioteca.$kManuscript.$nScaffale XXIII, 171
Multiple numbering for parts/sections separated by periods (which usually indicates a subpart to the first part/section noted) are contained in separate $n subfields.
$o - Arranged statement for music
Abbreviation arr. used in a uniform title for a work in a name/title heading. Subfield $o is unlikely to be used in an X10 field.
$p - Name of part/section of a work
Name designation of a part/section of a work used with a title in a name/title heading.
110 1#$aUnited States.$tConstitution.$pPreamble
110 2#$aUnited States Strategic Bombing Survey.$tReports.$pPacific war
110 1#$aEcuador.$tPlan Nacional de Desarrollo, 1980-1984.$nParte 1,$pGrandes objetivos nacionales.$lEnglish
[Part/section is both numbered and named.]
Subfield $p also contains a name designation following the form subdivision Manuscript.
110 2#$aNew York Public Library.$kManuscript.$pAulendorf Codex
$r - Key for music
Statement of key in which the music is written used in a uniform title for a work in a name/title heading. Subfield $r is unlikely to be used in an X10 field.
$s - Version
Version, edition, etc., information used with a title of a work in a name/title heading.
110 2#$aAmerican Library Association.$bBookdealer-Library Relations Committee.$tAcquisitions guidelines$s(2nd ed.)
$t - Title of a work
Title by which an item or a series is identified in a name/title heading.
110 1#$aVenezuela.$tControl de cambio no. 3.$lEnglish & Spanish
110 1#$aUnited States.$tTreaties, etc.
Additional examples are under the descriptions of subfields $f, $k, $l, $n and $p.
$v - Form subdivision
Designates a specific kind or genre of material as defined by the thesaurus being used. Subfield $v is appropriate only when a form subject subdivision is added to a corporate name heading to form an extended subject heading. Subfield $v is used for form terms when they function as indicated above; the terms are coded in subfield $x if they function as general subdivisions.
110 2#$aUnited Nations$xEconomic assistance$vPeriodicals
$w - Control subfield [410/510/710]
Codes in one or more character positions defined to control the display of information and specify relationships, restrictions, and status. Subfield $w is appropriate only in field 410, 510, and 710. Character position definitions and guidelines for applying the codes defined for subfield $w in field 410 and 510 are provided in the Tracings and References-General Information section. Character position definitions and guidelines for field 710 are provided in the 7XX Heading Linking Entries-General Information section.
$x - General subdivision
Subject subdivision that is not more appropriately contained in subfield $v (Form subdivision), subfield $y (Chronological subdivision) or subfield $z (Geographic subdivision). Subfield $x is appropriate in the X10 fields only when a topical subject subdivision is added to a name or name/title heading to form an extended subject heading.
110 2#$aLutheran Church$xClergy
$y - Chronological subdivision
Subject subdivision that represents a period of time. Subfield $y is appropriate in the X10 fields only when a chronological subject subdivision is added to a name or name/title heading to form an extended subject heading.
110 1#$aUnited States.$bArmy$xRecruiting, enlistment, etc.$yCivil War, 1861-1865, [World War, 1914-1918, etc.]
410 2#$wnne$aHarvard University$xHistory$yRevolution, 1775-1783
[Tracing from an earlier form of an LCSH heading.]
$z - Geographic subdivision
Appropriate in the X10 fields only when a geographic subject subdivision is added to a name or name/title heading to form an extended subject heading.
110 2#$aCatholic Church$zGermany$xHistory$y1933-1945
$0 - Record control number [510/710]
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$2 - Source of heading or term [710]
Code that identifies the source of a heading or term when the second indicator position contains value 7. Subfield $2 is appropriate only in field 710. Guidelines for applying subfield $2 are provided in the 7XX Heading Linking Entries—General Information section.
$5 - Institution to which field applies [410/510/710]
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$6 - Linkage
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$8 - Field link and sequence number
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.


Ambiguous Headings - See Appendix D: Ambiguous Headings.
Punctuation - Punctuation of the subelements of a heading is generally dictated by descriptive cataloging or subject heading system/thesaurus rules. These input conventions clarify MARC punctuation practices. An X10 field does not end with a mark of punctuation unless the field ends with an abbreviation, an initialism, or data that ends with a mark of punctuation.
110 2#$aOklahoma Council on Juvenile Delinquency
110 2#$aMartin Marietta Corporation.$bEnvironmental Center
110 1#$aBihar (India).$tBihar Panchayat Raj Act, 1947
110 2#$aVerlag Netto-Marktpreiskatalog "Austria."
110 2#$aWestern Map and Publishing Co.
110 1#$aUnited States.$bCongress$n(87th :$d1961-1962)
410 2#$aC.I.M.A.

Name portion of a name or name/title heading ends with a mark of punctuation. The mark of punctuation is placed inside a closing quotation mark.
110 1#$aBoston (Mass.).$tLaws, etc.
410 2#$aCatholic Church.$bPope (1978- : John Paul II).$tOpen the doors to the Redeemer
410 2#$aCasa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana "Benjamin Carrión."$bSección de Ciencías Biológicas.$tColleción Estudios científicos ecuatorianos

Name or title portion followed by a subject subdivision does not end with a mark of punctuation unless the name or title portion ends with an abbreviation, initialism, or open date.
110 2#$aSociety of Friends$zPennsylvania$xHistory
Spacing - No spaces are used in initialisms or personal name initials.
110 2#$aBrotherhood of Railway Trainmen (U.S.).$bMinnesota State Legislative Board
110 2#$aMetallurgical Society of AIME.$bNew Jersey Chapter
110 2#$aGuru Ram Dass P.G. School of Planning
110 2#$aConföderation Iranischer Studenten (N.U.)
410 2#$aD.B. Lister and Associates

One space is used between preceding and succeeding initials if an abbreviation consists of more than a single letter.
110 2#$aMonongalia Historical Society, Morgantown, W. Va.
110 2#$aScientific Society of San Antonio (1904- )
Display Constant
- [dash associated with the content of subfield $v, $x, $y, and $z]
Dash (-) that precedes a subject subdivision in an extended subject heading is not carried in the MARC record. It may be system generated as a display constant associated with the content of subfield $v, $x, $y, and $z.
Content designated field:
110 2#$aLutheran Church$xDoctrines$vEarly works to 1800
Display example: 
Lutheran Church-Doctrines-Early works to 1800


Indicator 2 - Nonfiling characters [OBSOLETE, 1993]
The values were: 0-9 (Number of nonfiling characters present).

$v - Record control number [710] [REDEFINED, 1995] [USMARC only]
$0 - Record control number [510/710] [NEW, 1997]
$3 - Authority record control number [OBSOLETE, 1997] [CAN/MARC only]

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