What is Cataloger's
Desktop? The most widely used cataloging documentation
resources in an integrated, online system. Includes the current
version of the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR2) and
Describing Archives, a Content Standard (DACS).
Cataloger's Desktop now includes the
OCLC Bibliographic Formats and Standards.
AACR2 - in Cataloger's Desktop
While using Cataloger's Desktop you can look up a rule in
AACR2 and then easily consult the rule's LC
Rule Interpretation (LCRI). Also features extensive links to the
MARC 21 format.
Visit the
AACR2 website
for a print version of AACR2. |
DACS is in Cataloger's Desktop
While using Cataloger's Desktop you can look up a rule in
Describing Archives: a Content Standard ("DACS") and then easily consult the
parallel AACR2 rule and LCRIs. Also features extensive links to the
MARC 21 format.
Visit the
SAA website
for a print version of DACS. |
"I know my catalogers appreciate having at their disposal all
these tools on Desktop. They talk like they've always had them--and
always would want to."
Steven L. Sowell
Interim Associate Dean and Acting Head of Technical Services
Indiana University Library |
Cataloger's Desktop provides fingertip access electronically to
AACR2, DACS, and LC's most heavily used cataloging publications. With
hypertext links, a single click moves you from one tool to the
relevant section of others:
- Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR2)
- Describing Archives: a Content Standard (DACS)
- Library of Congress Rule Interpretations
- Subject Cataloging Manuals
- MARC 21 Formats
- Latest editions of all MARC code lists
- Complete list of resources

Bruce Johnson, Librarian and Cataloger's Desktop Development Team Leader: "Cataloger's
Desktop brings up-to-date cataloging documentation to your workstation with
a minimum of effort on your part ... and no looseleaf interfiling!"
Cataloger's Desktop is a revolutionary cataloging
tool created by the Library of Congress.
Here's how it helps you control your time and work more efficiently.
- Helps you find relevant rules fast--with a variety of approaches.
- Locates data through a table of contents viewer ... through
boolean, keyword, phrase, and proximity searches ... or from
index references.
- Hypertext links make it easy to move from relevant sections
of one publication to another with a single keystroke.
- Allows you to customize your files to suit your needs and
create a personal file initialized by your password. Includes
personalized notes, bookmarks, highlighting, and links. The
notes can also be applied to each update of the product without
having to file new pages or manually transfer important information.
- Copy-and-paste capability is available. Copy important
sections of Desktop resources and insert them into your
own references.
All this can be done without leaving your workstation--just
pull up the program on your personal computer while you catalog.
"I'm pleased that when I want to look for something,
I know just where to look and I don't have to page through
all the books."
Jane M. Gillis
Catalog Librarian, Rare Book Team
Yale University Library |