![]() CDS HOME - What's
New? - How to Order Cataloging ManualsThe guides and manuals found here will help expedite your cataloging and make sure it is up to date, consistent, and accurate. Also see related Training Tools. Descriptive Cataloging (General Tools) DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGING
Library of Congress Rule Interpretations (LCRI)2005 Cumulation: 1989 base text with all updates through 2005 interfiled.This two-volume set (looseleaf) is a cumulation of the 1989
base text and all updates through 2005 interfiled. For new customers and
those who need additional copies of the full package. Keep current with
cataloging standards. Provides all valid LC rule interpretations issued
since the AACR2 1988 revision to which all cited rule numbers are referenced. Price: (2002 Cumulation) Updates: Cataloging Service Bulletin (CSB) A quarterly bulletin packed with current, new, and revised information
about LC cataloging and classification practices and policies. In 2004
CSB has a new look, a new feel, which makes it easier for users to
find the information they need. Now it's printed on 8 1/2 by 11 paper with
a larger, easier-to-read font. The price: It's unchanged.
Price: 2008 Subscription: Order Multiple Copies and Save! Prices (for multiple copies shipped
to the same address): 11 or more Subscriptions (each): Back issues are available;
contact CDS by phone, fax, or Internet for details and prices. SERIALS
CONSER Cataloging Manual (2002)Brings together in one place all of the rules and practices necessary to complete the cataloging process for a serial. Because it was developed by catalogers, it's organized in a format that follows the order in which cataloging decisions are likely to be made when cataloging from an online workform. The CONSER Cataloging Manual is an essential companion to the CONSER Editing Guide and the most authoritative word on serials cataloging. It can be used by both beginning and experienced catalogers--it's a training tool and reference guide. It features the step-by-step process of cataloging a serial with reference to pertinent AACR2 rules and LC rule interpretations and explanations of LC oral tradition relating to serials. The manual consists of three parts:
New modules of Part 2 and Part 3 and text revisions are issued in updates to the CONSER Cataloging Manual as they are written. Includes:
ISBN 0-8444-1073-X Price: 2006 Cumulation of the 2002 Edition, with
all updates through 2006 interfiled Click here for the shipping status of this product.CONSER Editing Guide2003 Cumulation: 1994 "format integration" edition with Updates 1 - 15 interfiled.This two-volume publication incorporates changes resulting from format
integration, adds variable fields relating to non-print serials, and
updates the previous edition of the CEG. Serials catalogers know that
CEG is the most comprehensive tool available for cataloging serials
in the online environment. To ensure conformance to standardized practice,
use the detailed field-by-field guide to the MARC 21 format as it is
applied to AACR2 serials cataloging. Features many examples illustrating
cataloging and online input techniques. Policies and procedures also
included. An essential guide for all serials catalogers following AACR2
in a MARC-based system. Base text 572 pages. Comes in two attractive, sturdy binders. Also available on online service Cataloger's Desktop. Price: 2003 Cumulation: (Includes Base Text and Updates 1 - 15 interfiled)$100 North America $110 outside North America Updates: Newspaper Cataloging and Union Listing Manual (1990)Prepared by Todd Butler Price: Serials Accessioning Manual (1985)Prepared by Jean Ott Price: $10 Return to list of Cataloging Manuals from CDS MAPSMap Cataloging Manual (1991)The definitive guide to LC map cataloging practices. Catalog map materials using the national standards developed by LC in cooperation with the worldwide map library community. A comprehensive, all-inclusive resource and reference to all pertinent AACR2 rules and LC rule interpretations affecting the standardized cataloging of non-book cartographic materials. Includes areas not covered by any other single publication. Includes looseleaf binder and tabs. ISBN 0-8444-0691-0 Also available in our online service Cataloger's Desktop. Price: Return to list of Cataloging Manuals from CDS RARE MATERIALSDescriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Books) Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Serials) Standard Citation Forms for Published Bibliographies and Catalogs... Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Books), 2007 EditionCataloging rules for rare books, that is, printed textual monographs receiving special treatment within a repository. Thoroughly revised and expanded from its predecessor (Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Books, 2nd edition, 1991), now includes 19th- and 20th-century books. New introductory sections on objectives and principles and precataloging decisions, to help with local decisions about the level of detail to provide; an appendix of scanned images of early letters and symbols accompanied by their correct transcriptions; and new appendixes on collection-level cataloging, core-level cataloging, variations requiring the creation of a new bibliographic record, and individual issues of serials. 239 pp. ISBN 0-8444-1162-0 Price: ![]() Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Serials), 2008 EditionBibliographic Standards Committee, Rare Books and Manuscripts Section, Association of College and Research LibrariesIn collaboration with the Policy and Standards Division of the Library of Congress Provides instructions for cataloging printed serials whose rarity, value, or interest make more
detailed description necessary or desirable. DCRM(S) is one of a family of manuals that form the
Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials, and is based on Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials
(Books), on the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, second edition, 2002 revision (AACR2), and subsequent
updates, on ISBD(A): International Standard Bibliographic Description for Older Monographic Publications
(Antiquarian), Second Revised Edition, 1991, on the CONSER Cataloging Manual (CCM), and on the CONSER
Editing Guide (CEG). Contents: General Rules * Title and Statement of Responsibility Area * Edition
Area* Numbering Area * Publication, Distribution, Etc., Area * Physical
Description Area * Note Area * Standards Number and Terms of Availability
Area * Appendixes: MARC 21 Descriptive Conventions Code, Collection-Level
records, Core-Level Records, Minimal-Level Records, Variations Requiring
a New Record, Title Access Points, Early Letter Forms and Symbols, Individual
and Special Issues of Serials, Reissued Serials * Glossary * List of Works
Cited * Index. Price: Standard Citation Forms for Published Bibliographies and Catalogs Used in Rare Books Cataloging, 2nd edition (1996)Prepared by Peter VanWingen and Belinda D. Urquiza Also available in our online service Cataloger's Desktop. Price: Return to list of Cataloging Manuals from CDS MOVING IMAGE MATERIALSArchival Moving Image Materials: A Cataloging Manual, 2nd Edition (2000) Moving Image Materials: Genre Terms Archival Moving Image Materials: A Cataloging Manual, 2nd Edition (2000)![]() Prepared by a committee of LC Motion Picture, Broadcasting, and Recorded Sound Staff This thoroughly revised and expanded cataloging manual--the first in 16 years-- provides catalogingrules (within the general framework of AACR2, Chapter 7) for all types of moving image materials including features, shorts, television programs, documentaries, newscasts, newsreels, educational works, home movies, compilations, commercials, trailers, excerpts, unedited footage, outtakes, and more. The rules cover all formats from 3-D to DVD. Look for these changes in the new edition:
http://www.loc.gov/catdir/cpso/amimupd.html ISBN 0-8444-1008-X Also available in our online service Cataloger's Desktop Moving Image Materials: Genre Terms (1987) This publication is out of print. A more recent list of genre
and form terms, the Moving Image Genre-Form Guide, is available on the Web
at: www.loc.gov/rr/mopic/migintro.html Return to list of Cataloging Manuals from CDS GRAPHIC AND VISUAL MATERIALSGraphic Materials: Rules for Describing Original Items and Historical Collections Thesaurus for Graphic Materials Graphic Materials: Rules for Describing Original Items and Historical Collections (1982) This publication is out-of-print. A PDF version of this publication as well as a 1996-97 update, are available on the following Web site: http://www.loc.gov/rr/print/gm/graphmat.html Also available in our online service Cataloger's Desktop. Price:: $12 Thesaurus for Graphic Materials (1995)This publication is out of print. An updated version is available on the Web at:
www.loc.gov/rr/print/tgm1 Volume consists of two parts: TGM I: Subject Terms and TGM II: Genre and Physical Characteristic Terms. Replaces both LC Thesaurus for Graphic Materials: Topical Terms for Subject Access (1987) and Descriptive Terms for Graphic Materials: Genre and Physical Characteristic Headings (1986). Together the two parts of the complete thesaurus contain the subject terms and genre and physical characteristic terms compiled and used by the Prints and Photographs Division of the Library of Congress and archives nationwide to catalog and search for pictorial and graphic material. Return to list of Cataloging Manuals from CDS NON-ROMAN SCRIPTSALA-LC Romanization Schemes for Non-Roman Scripts ALA-LC Romanization Tables: Transliteration Schemes for Non-Roman Scripts (1997)Tables compiled and edited by Randall K. Barry, Network Development
and MARC Standards Office, Library of Congress For Title Page and Table of Contents, click here Also available on the Web at: www.loc.gov/catdir/cpso/roman.html Price: Hebraica Cataloging (1987) Prepared by Paul Maher Price: $15 Return to list of Cataloging Manuals from CDS SHELFLISTING AND FILINGLibrary of Congress Filing Rules Classification and Shelflisting Manual Library of Congress Filing Rules (1980)A real bargain! Practical tool for consistently filing records with AACR2 headings. Includes alternate rules for pre-AACR2 forms. 111 pp. ISBN 0-8444-0347-4 Also available in our online service Cataloger's Desktop. Price: $10 ![]() Classification and Shelflisting Manual (2008)Combines and updates the old Subject Cataloging Manual: Classification and Subject Cataloging Manual: Shelflisting in one convenient volume. This has been done as a service to catalogers because classification and shelflisting are such closely related processes.The new publication provides guidelines for establishing Library of Congress classification numbers and assigning them to library materials, as well as for shelflisting materials collected by the Library of Congress. It's an accumulation of guidelines that have been formulated over several decades dealing with commonly recurring questions that arise when using LC classification. In one volume, the manual combines and updates the guidelines for formulating the classification portion of the LC call number, formerly published separately as the Subject Cataloging Manual: Classification, and guidelines for formulating the unique book number portion of the call number, formerly published separately as the Subject Cataloging Manual: Shelflisting. Text is printed on loose-leaf pages and shipped to you with a cover
slip, spine label, and tabs. A binder is not included. (Contact CDS
if you wish to purchase a plain white binder separately.) 378 pages. $80 Outside North America Updates will be published as needed, on an irregular schedule, and will be available for free on the CDS website Return to list of Cataloging Manuals from CDS Available from the Cataloging Distribution Service, Library of Congress | |