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Research on No Child Left Behind Can Inform Reauthorization Process (PDF)
By Society for Research in Child Development , Ed.
Social Policy Report Brief, 21, 4; 2007

Summary: This brief presents research on No Child Left Behind to inform the reauthorization process. Data analysis for NCLB shows: (1) overall effectiveness is mostly neutral to positive, (2) NCLB may be raising average achievement levels at the expense of high- and low-achieving students, (3) proficiency standards are variable, and (4) States should define more rigorously criteria for highly qualified teacher status. Test results show positive changes in math achievement, but no real changes in reading. Changes in teacher quality have been small and inconsistent.

Index Terms: Academic Achievement, Legislative Documents, Performance Measures, Policies, Research Reports, Legislation, Outcomes, Performance Standards, Research, Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP), No Child Left Behind Act Of 2001

Publication Type: Reports (Research/technical)

Pages: 2 pages
Language: English

Society for Research in Child Development
2950 S. State Street, Suite 401
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104
FAX: 734-926-0601

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