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Smarter Choices for Stronger Families (PDF)
By National Center for Children in Poverty , Ed.
NCCP Annual Report; 2007

Summary: This report indicates that there are many approaches to alleviating childhood poverty. These range from Federal policies, to state-specific initiatives, to the support services offered by a small community center. The issues to be addressed in alleviating childhood poverty are diverse and encompass inadequate wages, maternal depression, school absenteeism, and childhood asthma. The National Center for Children in Poverty (NCCP) combines a focus on policy across all 50 States with an emphasis on the human impact of local programs and policies. NCCP address the whole child in the context of family and community. NCCP makes the link between research and real results. Documents that were published by NCCP in 2007 are listed.

Index Terms: Annual Reports, Family Support, Low Income Families, Poverty, Behavior Guidance

Publication Type: Reports (Descriptive)

Pages: 16 pages
Language: English

National Center for Children in Poverty
Columbia University
Mailman School of Public Health
215 West 125th Street, 3rd Floor
New York, New York 10027-4426
FAX: 646-284-9623

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