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Ref. Species:

The CMap Comparative Map Viewer allows a user to view and compare maps between and among species. See help for more information.

Quick Start

To view a map and set up a comparison:

  1. Select a species from the drop-down list. If you change species you will need to click "Change Species".
  2. Select a reference map set from that drop-down list, and click on "Show Selected Set's Maps".
  3. Select one or more reference maps from the drop-down list that appears. The list is limited to maps that are part of the selected map set.
  4. If you don't want to accept the default settings you may select how each feature type will be displayed, if at all. Choose to ignore, display or display only those features that have correspondences that are being displayed. The "Other" value tells Maps how to handle feature types that are not on the current maps but may be on comparative maps added later. These can be changed at any time from the "Feature Options" section.
  5. Click on "Draw Selected Maps".
  6. After Drawing the maps, you may add comparative maps. Below the map and under "Map Options" select "Add Maps left" and/or "Add Maps right" to select one or two comparative maps to add to the indicated side of the reference map. You may continue to add additional maps as desired.

Please note: Javascript is required to use CMap.

CMap is free software from the GMOD project

  Contact the GrainGenes Curators

GrainGenes is a product of the Agricultural Research Service of the US Department of Agriculture.