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Date:         Wed, 10 Jul 2002 16:28:14 +0200
Reply-To:     "Z39.50 Next-Generation Initiative" <[log in to unmask]>
Sender:       "Z39.50 Next-Generation Initiative" <[log in to unmask]>
From:         Theo van Veen <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      Betr.: Re: sort parameter
Comments: To: [log in to unmask]
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

>>> [log in to unmask] 10-07-02 16:05 >>> >There are a few issues raised by this exchange. >You're mixing the sort/resultSet model with the present model. >Addressing the present model (leaving aside sorting for the moment) there is >the question of whether in a sequence of returned records can two records be >presented in different schemas. Obviously so if you include the surrogate >diagnostic schema, but can one record be in MODS and another in DC? Yes, if >the schema parameter is omitted and the first record is available in MODS >only and the other in DC only. Suppose the record schema parameter is >included, and it's MODS? We haven't answered this but I suspect the answer >is you get a surrogate diagnostic for the one that's not available in MODS. > >Finally, the sort model you quote no longer applies, we discarded it several >weeks ago. We're not sorting result sets according to a schema, but rather >by abstract names. > >--Ray This reminds me on a question which was not answered regarding different record schemas for the same records. Do we allow multiple schemas for a single record in a single reponse? This would imply that you need information on the postion of those records within the resultset. Theo

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