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08 January 2009 

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Ruling Party Dominates New Guinea-Bissau Government

08 January 2009

The prime minister of Guinea-Bissau, Carlos Gomes Jr., has formed a new government made up entirely of ruling party members and close allies.

Twenty-one ministers and 11 state secretaries were sworn in before President Joao Bernardo Nino Vieira Thursday in the capital, Bissau. Many of them are newcomers to high levels of government, including the new Foreign Minister Adiato Djalo Nandigna.

After being named prime minister last month, Mr. Gomes promised good governance in cash-strapped, politically volatile Guinea-Bissau. He also pledged to reform the judicial system.

Mr. Gomes is the country's fifth prime minister in three years. He already held the post from April 2004 to September 2005, until being dismissed by President Vieira.

Guinea-Bissau's government has been plagued by divisions within the security forces and an inability to crack down on the drug trade going through the country's many unsecured inlets and waterways.

The new government includes several technocrats, including economist Helena Nosolini Embalo to head the economics and regional planning ministry, and the former Bissau mayor Joao Mario Vaz to lead the finances ministry.

The ruling African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde won an overwhelming parliamentary majority in November's elections.

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