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Date:         Mon, 25 Oct 2004 10:09:53 -0400
Reply-To:     "Z39.50 Next-Generation Initiative" <[log in to unmask]>
Sender:       "Z39.50 Next-Generation Initiative" <[log in to unmask]>
From:         "LeVan,Ralph" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      FW: ProQuest XML Gateway.htm
Comments: To: "Z39. 50 Next-Generation ([log in to unmask])" <[log in to unmask]>
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Anyone know anything about this? We should make a stink about their non-support of CQL! Ralph _____ <> ProQuest XML Gateway The new ProQuest XML Gateway introduces a next-generation level of support for federated search applications. Federated search is of growing importance in the library today serving as one of the primary means for resource discovery. Recognizing this, ProQuest has invested in a new solution for supporting federated search of our databases. The new ProQuest XML Gateway, available November 2004, is a Web services application that enables ProQuest customers and their vendors to send search requests to and receive responses from ProQuest using XML technology. This new solution provides convenience, flexibility and powerful search capabilities to support your library's application of federated search. Moving beyond limitations ProQuest has long supported a Z39.50 interface as a means for libraries to use third-party applications for search and retrieval of ProQuest content. Today, many federated search vendors use Z39.50 to reliably support access to ProQuest databases. While it has dutifully served in this role , the Z39.50-based solutions entail overhead and limitations reflective of an earlier era. The advent of new technologies and standards, such as SRW/U, enables design of more streamlined and adaptive solutions. The introduction of the ProQuest XML Gateway is such an innovation. ProQuest does not plan to discontinue support for our existing Z39.50 interface. Future investments in enhancing automated access to the ProQuest platform will be directed toward expanding the XML gateway rather than the Z39.50 interface. Flexibility to support advancements in federated searching More flexible than a Z39.50-based interface, the XML gateway leverages the powerful capabilities of the ProQuest search engine and makes them available in a federated search environment. The ProQuest XML Gateway supports a full spectrum of search features (e.g. limits, etc.) and queries ranging from simple free-text searches to complex nested Boolean statements and proximity operators. The opportunity is created for advancing the federated search user experience. The technology: A standards-based approach With intentions consistent with ZING ( Z39.50-International: Next Generation) to evolve from Z39.50 to a more mainstream approach, the ProQuest XML Gateway is based on the SRW/U model and consistent with objectives of NISO's Metasearch Initiative. The SRU standard is applied for the access protocol and SRW XML schema types are used for the search response, including diagnostics. The ProQuest query language is engaged, rather than CQL, to fully leverage the power of the ProQuest search engine in this initial release of the XML gateway. Database products supported The new ProQuest XML Gateway initially supports most ProQuest branded database products and a few additional products, as summarized below. * Traditional ProQuest databases including but not limited to ABI/INFORM, ProQuest Research Library, ProQuest Discovery, PQ5000, ProQuest Accounting and Tax, ProQuest Health and Medical Complete, ProQuest <> Career & Technical Education, ProQuest Criminal Justice Periodicals Index. * ProQuest Newspapers, including Canadian Newsstand and ProQuest Historical Newspapers * Micromedia ProQuest CBCA databases (Reference, Current Events, Business and Education) * ProQuest Diversity Databases (e.g. Ethnic Newswatch, Alt-Presswatch), ProQuest Newspapers including Canadian Newsstand, * American Periodicals Series ProQuest Digital Dissertations (now "ProQuest Dissertations and Theses") will be accessible via the gateway by year-end. Third-party index products such as CINAHL, PsycINFO and ERIC will not be supported by the initial release of the gateway although their companion full text databases will, including ProQuest Nursing Journals, ProQuest Psychology Journals and ProQuest Education Journals. For More Information If you are a federated search application or services provider, detailed specifications for accessing and implementing the ProQuest XML Gateway are available upon request <mailto:[log in to unmask]> . ProQuest customers with an interest in learning more details about the gateway are also welcome to this additional information. <> Copyright (c) 2004 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved. Terms and Conditions <> <>

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