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Below is the screen used for advanced searching. The drop-down menus allow you to construct more complex or restricted searches. Explanations of each menu follow.
Term Modifier Menu
should contain - this term or phrase should be present in the results (same as the boolean OR operator)
must contain - this term or phrase must be present in every result (same as the boolean AND operator)
must not contain - this term or phrase must be excluded from every result (same as the boolean NOT operator)
Type of Term Menu
the words - what is entered is treated as one or more separate words
the phrase - what is entered is treated as exact phrase
the name - what is entered is treated as proper noun
Where to Search Menu
in the body (default) - search the main body of text
in the title - search the HTML page title (what displays in the browser title bar)
in the URL - restrict to pages with a designated beginning URL (e.g., to restrict search to Exhibitions, enter http:/
in the site name - restricts search to pages in a particular site (e.g., to restrict to American Memory, enter
in a link - results will be all the pages on the site that link to this URL
in an image link - finds pages containing a particular image file
in image alt text - finds text only in the ALT= attribute of HTML image tags (the ALT= attribute is a text description of the image)
in the description - restricts search to the META tag for DESCRIPTION
in the keywords - restricts search to the META tag for KEYWORDS
in remote anchor text - finds pages that link to an external site matching the word or phrase you entered (e.g., "white house")
Number of Results, Ranking, etc.
This part of the screen allows you to increase the number of results per page (the default is 10), the sort order of those results (by relevance, date, or alphabetically by title), and allows you to turn off the display of summaries, if desired.
If you want to see the number of hits per word entered, activate the check box next to "Show individual word scores."