Web Camera Images at ERDC/CRREL Images from the Soo Locks in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan (USA) Latest Information and Recent images from active cameras

Current hourly weather conditions are SUNNY, temperature of 17F, dew point 2F, relative humidity of 51%, winds are NW10, barometric pressure 29.64R.

Forecast Weather from NWS

A number of you have had problems viewing this page please Google for DoD root certificate.  This will give you links to places where you can download and run the install script for the DoD root certificate.  Make sure it's a .mil site and not some hacker.  I believe it will probably be something like onr.navy.mil

Webcam of the day.

West approach

Looking west from admin building

From Davis Building

Looking east from admin building

We have added a Frequently asked questions: section. Please have a look and if you do not see a answer to a question let us know.

Page last updated on Thu Jan 8 14:52:14 EST 2009

 Movie of what happened yesterday at the locks

Soo Locks home page.

View a table of images from cameras above from the previous 24 hrs

Slideshow only of images

We cannot post shipping schedules. Please contact the appropriate shipping companies for vessel schedules.

We’re currently delaying the Soo Locks web cam image postings, for security awareness reasons. We will update images every 120 seconds as usual, but they will be delayed going out to the web page.  We hope you continue to enjoy the web cam and we’ll do our best to bring you the best service possible.

Please e-mail questions to Lynn.M.Duerod@lre02.usace.army.mil

We'd like to thank all the Soo Locks web cam viewers for visiting our site. We'll do our best to continue to make the site interesting and enjoyable. We value your emails, and appreciate all emails sent in the past regarding this site. Keep visiting often

  Security and Privacy Notice

USACE Engineer Research and Development Center
Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory
72 Lyme Road, Hanover, New Hampshire, USA 03755-1290

Public Affairs Office: info@crrel.usace.army.mil or 603-646-4292