

"This training helped me provide better care to my HIV/Aids patients." Click to read more

GDLN series on HIV/Aids in Ethiopia


GDLN on Water

"By 2025, two out of every three people on Earth will fall victim to water scarcity..." Click to read more

GDLN series on Water

GDLN on Climate Change

Climate Change

"The past two decades have been the hottest in 400 years. As the rate of global warming continues..." Click to read more

GDLN series on Climate Change

Food Crisis

Food Crisis

"With rising food prices, we need regional dialogues to coordinate effective responses." Click to read more

GDLN series on Regional Cooperation in South Asia

Welcome to the Global Development Learning Network (GDLN)

Please note that this is currently under construction and that a new site will be available soon.

GDLN is a partnership of over 120 recognized global institutions, collaborating in the design of customized learning solutions for people working in development.

Our affiliates put on 1000+ learning events per year. Activities range from designing and organizing formal training courses to multi-country dialogues and virtual conferences, using effective blends of face-to-face and distance learning approaches.

Our clients include small non-governmental organizations, private sector entities, government agencies and multilateral development organizations.

Changing the Climate

As part of the World Bank's global consultations for the climate change framework, GDLN learning specialists coordinate a nation-wide session in one of the highest-risk countries in South Asia

With world temperatures on the rise since the 1900s, green house gas emissions dangerously nearing critical levels and the onslaught of droughts, floods and storms, it is no wonder that climate change has risen to the top of worldwide agendas. In its work to develop a Strategic Framework on Climate Change and Development, the World Bank has been holding consultations with developing countries across the globe and has partnered with the Global Development Learning Network (GDLN) as a cost-effective solution for reaching a wider array of stakeholders in hard to access countries. On July 9, 2008, the GDLN center at BRAC University (Bangladesh), designed, hosted and facilitated a successful consultation in coordination with the World Bank's Environment Department that brought together over 30 senior-level experts from across the country to inform a global strategy for tackling climate change and development.

Our Daily Bread

In another just-in-time initiative, GDLN affiliates bring European and Central Asian countries together to discuss policy options for food producers in the region.

That the price of bread in grocery stores has more than doubled in the past year is shocking. Yet while consumers slowly assimilate these changes, producers throughout Europe and Central Asia, where economies rely heavily on wheat production, are struggling to adapt. Soaring production costs and declining consumption worldwide has become cause for alarm and concern in the region.

Lessons in Oil

Lessons in oilIn East Asia & the Pacific energy sector experts and policymakers use a new learning model to discuss the implications of high and volatile oil prices on their economies.

Oil prices remain high and volatile threatening economies and fragile populations worldwide. To address this urgent issue, on June 4, 2008, GDLN launched an innovative program on Oil Volatility, Economic Impacts and Risk Management in the East Asia Pacific region in collaboration with the Institute of Energy Economics in Japan (IEEJ).

Life and Birth

In Tokyo, the local GDLN partner is delivering a unique program aimed at saving thousands of mothers and newborns in Mongolia  

 Correcting educational gaps in the health sector is not an easy feat. A blended learning program designed by the Global Development Learning Network (GDLN) partner, the Tokyo Development Learning Center is helping to fill the gap. On April 30, 2008, more than 400 health care specialists across Ulaan Bataar received training to improve maternal health and reduce some 530,000 deaths attributed to pregnancy each year. The Mother and Child Healthcare Program provides nurses and midwives in remote areas with updated information and the option to self-study and interact with colleagues in other locations through DVDs, webcasts and Moodle, a learning management system.


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