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Date:         Sun, 19 Sep 2004 15:02:08 -0600
Reply-To:     Discussion List for issues related to cataloging & metadata
              education & training <[log in to unmask]>
Sender:       Discussion List for issues related to cataloging & metadata
              education & training <[log in to unmask]>
From:         "Sylvia D. Hall-Ellis" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      Re: Web Clearinghouse for Metadata Materials
Comments: To: [log in to unmask]
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Dear Educat Colleagues, The work that Anita has prepared to share with us is a great beginning. She is making a significant contribution to this important project and is to be commended for the effort. Just a couple of questions... For those of us who do not customarily create and use our own websites, should wconsider doing so? In the background notes in the "cataloging and metadata topics" section in these topics... 5. Can we break these two topics into subsections? And then have an opening section on how these tools are used together? 6. Can brief descriptions and/or links to specific ILS products be included? Since bibliographic data do not behave in exactly the same way in each ILS, some explanatory information may prove to be very useful. 7. Is this term broadly defined? Are other older print verification and tools in American bibliography going to be included? 14. Is it possible to add a brief section for retrospective conversion? May we add to the "type/form" section? If so, how does this process work? Just a few thoughts on Sunday afternoon. Cordially, Sylvia Sylvia Hall-Ellis, Ph.D. Library and Information Science University of Denver 21E. Wesley Ave., #107 Denver, CO 80208 303-871-7881 - voice 303-756-0424 - fax [log in to unmask] wrote: >Educatters, > >As some of you may know, there is a promising activity currently underway >to develop a web clearinghouse which will be a useful resource for >cataloging and metadata educators. > >As a bit of background: The ALCTS/ALISE Task Force for Preparing Cataloging >and Metadata Educators and Trainers was created in response to a report on >Cataloging and Metadata Education prepared for the LC Action Plan on >Bibliographic Control for the New Millennium, available at >( ). > >One charge for our task force group was to develop a web clearinghouse for >metadata materials and also to develop a Metadata Basics Package, as >described in the Action Plan report. Prof. Marcia Zeng, on the LIS faculty >at Kent State is working on the Metadata Basics Package, and Anita Coleman, >LIS faculty member at the University of Arizona, is serving as consultant >for the Web Clearinghouse project. > >Anita has been making excellent progress on the clearinghouse, and has >completed some draft documents for our review. I would appreciate it if you >would look this over and give us your feedback so that Anita can proceed >further with the work. > >The documents include: > >1) a workplan indicating milestones and deliverables, > >2) a proof of concept version of the basic categorical structure for the >clearinghouse web page, and > >3) background notes containing some possible topics, formats, and sample >items. > >Workplan: > > >Topical categories - proof of concept: > > >Background Notes (which has some questions for feedback): > > > >Please send your feedback to our Educat list. We would appreciate your >comments by Sept. 20, so that Anita can keep to her deadline. > >Later on, we will also be sending you draft documents from the work that >Marcia Zeng is doing on the Metadata Basics package. > > >We look forward to your comments. Thanks! > >Olivia > >C. Olivia Frost >Associate Dean and Professor >School of Information >University of Michigan >

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