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U.S. Office of Personnel Management - Ensuring the Federal Government has an effective civilian workforce

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May 2002  INV-020

Why does OPM investigate Federal applicants, employees, and contractors?

The interests of national security require that all persons privileged to be employed in the departments and agencies of the government shall be reliable, trustworthy, of good conduct and character, and of complete and unswerving loyalty to the United States. This means that the appointment of each civilian employee in any department or agency of the government is subject to investigation. The scope of the investigation will vary, depending on the nature of the position and the degree of harm that an individual in that position could cause.

The requirement to be investigated applies whether or not the position requires a security clearance (in order to have access to classified national security information).

I am being considered for a Federal job and have been given a personnel security questionnaire. It's very long and asks a lot of personal questions. Do I have to answer all the questions on the form? Much of that information is already on my resume.

Yes. The resume is part of the application process. The Security Questionnaire is part of the investigation process. All of the security questionnaire questions should be answered fully, accurately, and honestly.

What will happen if I refuse to give you some of this personal information?

The investigation is a job requirement. Providing the information is voluntary, but if you choose not to provide the required information, you will not meet the requirements of the job and will therefore not be considered further. If you are already employed by the Federal government, your appointment will be terminated. The courts have upheld this principle.

What should I do if I remember something later, after I've filled out the form and returned it?

Immediately notify the security officials to whom you submitted the questionnaire.

I don't want everybody reading my personal information; who sees this information?

The only persons authorized to see your personal information are Personnel Security, Suitability, and Investigations professionals who have been investigated at the appropriate level and who have a genuine and demonstrated need for access to the information.

I'm not a criminal. Why do you want my fingerprints?

So that we can verify your claim that you're not a criminal by checking the FBI's fingerprint files. Executive Order 10450 requires that all Federal employees be fingerprinted.

My brother works for one of the largest companies in the world, but he didn't have to go through all this. Why should I?

Congress, through statutes, the President, through executive orders, and the agencies charged with carrying out these laws and orders have required this process. There is, generally, no requirement for private employers to use the same guidelines as public employers. Of course, if your brother's job with the private employer required him to have access to classified national security information as a contractor to the Federal government, even your brother would have to be investigated.

Are you going to interview people other than those I name on the questionnaire? If so, why?

Yes. Background Investigators are required to identify, locate, and interview a sufficient number of people who know you well. We want a balanced and unbiased investigation. It would be a questionable investigative practice to only interview persons whom the individual being investigated identified for us.

Is it okay if I guess at dates and addresses that I barely remember?

Providing information that is as complete and accurate as possible will assure that your investigation is completed in an efficient and timely manner. If you are unable to answer a question with precision, provide approximate information, note that you have done so on the questionnaire.  If you are interviewed in person, point out the approximated information on the questionnaire to the Investigator.

Why do you need information about my relatives?

Relatives sometimes influence the actions of family members. We need to determine if you could be exploited by threats or pressure against your relatives or if they themselves could exert pressure against you.

Will I get a chance to explain some of the answers I provide?

Yes. Many types of background investigations involve a personal interview. Moreover, you may submit information on extra pages with your questionnaire if you feel you need to more fully explain details or circumstances of the answers you put on the form.

How can I see the report you prepare about me? Do I?

The only persons authorized to see this information are Personnel Security, Suitability, and Investigations professionals who have been investigated and have a demonstrated need to review the information. You may request a copy of your investigation file under provisions of the Privacy Act. For an OPM investigation request, write to OPM-CIS, FOIP, Post Office Box 618, Boyers, PA 16018-0618. You must include your full name, Social Security Number, date and place of birth, and you must sign your request.

What if you talk to someone who just doesn't like me and they lie about me?

We talk to as many knowledgeable people as possible to get a balanced, accurate, and comprehensive picture of the person being investigated. Later, you may have an opportunity to refute any misleading or false information that was reported about you.

I was cited for speeding once. Will that keep me from getting a job or a clearance?

Not necessarily. Any negative information is evaluated regarding its recency, seriousness, relevance to the position and duties, and in light of, and in relationship to, all other information about you.

I was arrested for shoplifting 20 years ago. Is that going to be held against me now?

Not necessarily. Any negative information is evaluated regarding its recency, seriousness, relevance to the position and duties, and in light of, and in relationship to, all other information about you.

I have a physical disability. Will that hurt my chances for a job?

No. It is against Federal law to discriminate against an individual based on his or her disability.

Are you going to tell my supervisor that I'm looking for a job?

It is a requirement of a background investigation, and actual employment, that your current employer be contacted. We must verify your employment data and make other inquiries concerning your background. If you are a Federal employee or contractor, for example, it may be that your current employer needs you to have a security clearance for the work you do. In other instances, you are asked to complete the investigative form for an investigation and clearance only after a conditional offer of employment has been made for a position requiring a security clearance.

Who decides if I get the job or a security clearance?

Adjudications officials at the agency requiring the investigation will evaluate your case and communicate their recommendation to the appropriate personnel or security office.

Is it true that the investigation will include a credit report about me?

Yes. A search of the records of commercial credit reporting agencies is an integral part of almost all background investigations.

Do you ever interview someone's ex-spouse or relatives?

Yes, although, in many instances, interviewing ex-spouses or relatives is not mandatory.

Why is detailed information about my education required?

Educational history is necessary for jobs that require specific education and expertise. Any information supplied by the applicant must be verified.

I was politically active during the last elections. Will that hurt my chances for a job or a clearance?

No. It will neither hurt nor help your chances.

Do I have to go to a police station to be fingerprinted?

You may go to a police station to be fingerprinted. In most instances, however, the agency requiring the investigation and clearance will fingerprint you.

Doesn't the FBI conduct all Federal background investigations?

The U.S. Office of Personnel Management, the Department of Defense, and a few other agencies share this responsibility. The FBI mostly conducts investigations on the following:  High level Presidential appointees, cabinet officers, agency heads and staff who may work at the White House directly for the President.

Many contractors say that a security clearance is needed to apply for their jobs. How can I get a clearance in advance so I can apply for these jobs? Can I pay for it myself?

The Office of Personnel Management has no procedure for an individual to independently apply for an investigation, positions maintained by contractor, or security clearance. Clearances are based on investigations requested by Federal agencies, appropriate to specific positions and their duties. Until a person is offered such a position, the government will not request or pay for an investigation for a clearance. Once a person has been offered a job (contingent upon satisfactory completion of an investigation), the government will require the person to complete a Standard Form 86, Questionnaire for National Security Positions, initiate the investigation, adjudicate the results, and issue the appropriate clearance.

We know that some Defense Department contractors require applicants to already have a clearance, and they have the right to administer their personnel hiring procedures the way they want as long as they don't discriminate based on prohibited factors (such as race or religion). Persons who already have clearances are those who are already employed by a government contractor (or by the government itself) and are looking for other job opportunities.

How long does a background investigation take?

The timeliness of a background investigation depends on the type of investigation conducted. Depending on the type of background investigation, the scope of the investigation may require coverage for specific items.

The need for a security clearance may affect the time period in which an investigation is completed. Each background investigation requires that certain areas are covered before an investigation is completed.