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381 Days: The Montgomery Bus Boycott Story at the Detroit Historical Society. Courtesy Detroit Historical Society


Close Out Report

Now that your SITES exhibition has closed, we need to hear from you! Your feedback is taken seriously and is critical to the success of future partnerships, as well as exhibition planning and development.

As outlined in your original contract, we ask that the appropriate members of your team (curators, educators, public relations representatives, development professionals, etc.) complete and submit this form within one month of the exhibit's closing.

Thank you immensely for helping make SITES' program even better.

Host Facility:
Exhibition Hosted:
Dates of Exhibition:
Primary Contact:
Mailing Address
Annual Attendance:
Visitor Count for this exhibition:
E-mail Address:

Before turning to the 12 survey questions, please note that your contract also requires you to submit the following with your completed close-out survey:

  • Samples of your institution's final printed materials (ads, invitations, brochures, fliers, etc.)
  • High-resolution (300 dpi, burned on disc) photographs of people and events related to the exhibition, for possible use in future SITES' publications
  • Quality copies of surveys or comment books (if collected)
  • Copies of all press coverage (please be sure to include publication name and date)

    SEND TO:
    Stephanie McCoy-Johnson, 202.633.3105
    Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service
    Exhibit Proposal Coordinator
    P.O. Box 37012
    MRC 941
    Washington, D.C. 20013-7012

Ready to start the survey? There are only 12 questions!


1. How did you find out about this exhibition? Check all that apply:


Of these, which do you think was the most effective?


2. What was it about this exhibition that appealed to you?


3. Please describe your audience demographics. Did you book this exhibition in hopes of attracting a different/broader audience? Was this successful?


4. What programs and events did you present in conjunction with the exhibition? (Opening events, lectures, concerts, public festivals, family days, movies, special tours, outreach to targeted groups, workshops, classes, etc.) Did any public officials or other VIPs attend events?


5. How did you promote the exhibition and associated events? Please check all that apply:


6. Did your institution and community benefit financially from hosting this exhibition? (Increased tourism, new partnerships with local sponsors, store sales, etc.)


7. Please list local funding sources (cash, in-kind) for your presentation of the exhibition. Please indicate what each sponsor supported (educational program, teacher resource material, opening reception, etc.).


8. Please respond if the exhibition you hosted had a national sponsor(s). If not, go to question #9.

Please describe your experiences in meeting SITES' requirements on behalf of the exhibition's national sponsor(s). Is there a message you'd like us to convey to the sponsor(s)?

9. Were the costs for presenting, installing/de-installing, and shipping the exhibition what you expected or budgeted?
Yes No

If not, please explain.

10. How well did the advance materials, including registrarial guidelines and checklists, shipping information, graphics packages and promotional materials, meet your needs?


11. Can you suggest any additional materials/information that might have been helpful to you in booking, planning, or hosting the exhibition?


12. In general, how did we do? Please rate this exhibition:

Exhibition design/presentation

Materials durability
or problem.


and panels were superbly written

Interactives (if applicable)

Comprehensiveness (was this truly a complete package?)

Like to elaborate on any of the above?


13. Please discuss the general strengths and/or shortcomings of this exhibition in your opinion.

You're finished! Don't forget to send us those sample press clippings, photos, etc.



Update 2008-9

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Mailing Address
PO Box 37012
MRC 941
Washington, DC 20013-7012
202.633.3168 (tel.)
202.633.5347 (fax)

Delivery Address
470 L'Enfant Plaza, SW
Suite 7103
Washington, DC 20024