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National Study of Child Care for Low-Income Families: Care in the Home: A Description of Family Child Care and the Families and Children Who Use It (PDF)
By Barbara D Goodson, Jean I Layzer
Wave 1 Report; August 2006

Summary: This study examines how States and communities implement policies and programs to meet the child care needs of families moving from welfare to work, as well as those of other low-income parents; how policies change over time; and how these policies affect the type, amount, and cost of care. The study also examines the factors that shape the child care decisions of low-income families and the role that child care subsidies play in those decisions. It is intended to develop a better understanding of the family child care environment and the extent to which the care provided in that environment supports parents’ work-related needs and meets children’s needs for a safe, healthy, and nurturing environment. Findings show that children were engaged in play activities with objects about half the time, but creative and dramatic play with objects were both rare. Most of children’s play involved other children, but only 13 percent of this social play involved higher-level interactions. Children used some language about 40 percent of the time. Children displayed almost no antisocial behavior toward either adults or children. Across the homes in this sample, the level of contact between the provider and children was very high; providers were in visual, verbal, or physical contact with children almost all of the time. Providers spent two-thirds of their time talking to children.

Index Terms: Children, Family Child Care, Low Income Families, Child Care Arrangements, Child Care Providers, Studies, Administration For Children And Families (ACF), States, U. S. Department Of Health And Human Services (HHS)

Publisher: Abt Associates, Inc.

Sponsoring Institution (or Funding Source): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families

Publication Type: Reports (Descriptive)

Pages: 134 pages
Language: English

Abt Associates, Inc.
55 Wheeler Street
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138
FAX: 617-492-5219

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