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Television Advertising
(Sept. 20 – Oct. 20, 2006)

Advertising Locations:

A Spanish television advertisement promoting participation in and the nutrition benefits of SNAP aired in nine markets during Hispanic Heritage Month from Sept. 20 through Oct. 20, 2006. The table below lists the nine markets, the television stations, and the toll free phone number included on the advertisement in each market.

Media Market State Stations Phone Number
New York City NY WXTV, WFUT 1-800-221-5689 (national)
Los Angeles CA KMEX 1-877-847-FOOD
San Diego CA KBNT, KDTF 1-877-847-FOOD
Raleigh/Durham NC WUVC 1-800-221-5689 (national)
Denver CO KCEC, KTFD 1-800-221-5689 (national)
Chicago IL WGBO, WXFT 1-800-221-5689 (national)
Las Vegas NV KINC, KELV 1-800-221-5689 (national)
Albuquerque NM KLUZ, KTFQ 1-888-473-3676
Philadelphia PA WUVP 1-800-221-5689 (national)

Description of the Advertisement:

The television spot is entitled “Door.” The point of view is from the inside of a refrigerator. Through an opening in the back of the refrigerator, we see an ethnically diverse group of people - a single woman, a grandfather and grandson, a married couple, a woman and her baby, and an elderly woman - open the door and select culturally appropriate healthy food items. As the spot moves forward, the refrigerator fills up with healthy food over and over again for each set of people. The last person, the elderly woman, puts healthy food in the refrigerator.

Then the point of view switches to the entire kitchen, and we see the elderly woman confidently holding her EBT card. The ending shot is of the front of the freezer door with a USDA magnet holding up a Food Stamp Program flyer. The toll free number to call for more information appears on screen. The voiceover dialogue throughout the spot emphasizes that many low income people are eligible for stamp benefits but don’t know it and that the viewer, too, might qualify, and should call for more information.

Watch Door:

You can see and hear a small and compressed streaming version of the “Door” advertisement at the links below.  It is available in both Windows Media Player and RealPlayer formats. If clicking on a link does not launch the advertisement on your computer, then open the application and paste the link in. For example, using Windows Media Player, launch the player; click on “File” and then on “Open URL”; paste the URL into the box and press Enter. With RealPlayer, launch the player; click on “File” and then on “Open”; paste the URL into the box and press Enter.

How can I use “Door”?

You can show “Door” at meetings, exhibits, and conferences.  You can also show “Door” in waiting rooms.  At this time, however, “Door” cannot be used as a public service announcement and is only available with a Spanish voiceover.  If you have any questions about the “Door” television advertisement, please send an email to


Last modified: 12/31/2008