Hawaii Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Program

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Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT):

The Hawaii Electronic Benefit Transfer (HI/EBT) is the process by which the payment of public assistance, non-public assistance (i.e., childcare payments) and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, benefits are issued to the Department’s eligible households. The HI/EBT utilizes a debit card (Hawaii EBT Card) which allows the clients to access/withdraw their cash and/or food stamp benefits at food retailers through the Point of Sale (POS) devices or at Automated Teller Machines (ATMs). Through the HI/EBT system, clients receiving cash assistance also have the option to have their cash benefits direct deposited into their personal bank accounts.

Benefits/payments distributed through the HI/EBT are: the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), the Temporary Assistance for Other Needy Families (TAONF), the General Assistance (GA) program, the Aid to the Aged, Blind or Disabled (AABD), the Repatriate, the Childcare, the Employment and Training (E&T), the First-To-Work (FTW) and the SNAP programs. In calendar year 2003, $155,680,742 in food stamp benefits (now called SNAP) and $153,426,252 in cash benefits were deposited into the households’ EBT accounts.

Western States EBT Alliance (WSEA):

In 1996, prior to the implementation of the HI/EBT system, and before the initial planning and procurement process began, a feasibility study was conducted by the Western Governors’ Association (WGA) to determine the feasibility and benefits to procure a single EBT contractor for the western states using a single request for proposal (RFP). This concept of a states’ consortium was already in operation with the Dakota States, and the states in the northeast and the southeast forming their own alliances, i.e., the Northeast Coalition of States (NCS) and the Southeast Alliance of States (SAS). With guidance from the WGA, the Western States EBT Alliance (WSEA), with the State of Colorado as the lead state, was formed. The WSEA has remained together for on-going operations and for the current re-procurement process. The WSEA member states are Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, and Washington; along with the addition of the territory of Guam in 2002.

HI/EBT Contractor:

Hawaii’s initial contract for EBT services was with Citicorp Electronic Financial Services, Inc. (CEFS). The contract began on July 1, 1997 and expired on June 30, 2003. The WSEA, with Colorado again as the lead state, issued the WSEA/EBT RFP in December 2001. In May 2002, CEFS was again selected as the winning EBT contractor for the WSEA. The Hawaii Department of Human Services (HI/DHS) finalized its EBT contract with CEFS in May 2003 and re-contracted with CEFS for a 7-year EBT contract, which will run from July 1, 2003 to June 30, 2010.

In the latter half of 2003, J.P. Morgan Chase negotiated with Citigroup to purchase Citicorp Electronic Financial Services, Inc. The purchase of CEFS by J.P. Morgan became effective on January 16, 2004. The EBT contractor’s name is now JP Morgan Electronic Financial Services, Inc. With this buyout, there was no change of services to the Department’s EBT system or operations.

Benefit Availability Dates:

Monthly benefits are available for the households’ access based on the first letter of the clients’ last name. Clients whose last names begin with the letters A – I are available on the 3rd calendar day of each month, while clients with last names beginning with the letters J – Z are available on the 5th calendar day. As previously mentioned, households receiving cash benefits also have the option to direct deposit their cash benefits into their own bank accounts. The households, who have opted to have their cash benefits directly deposited into their bank account, will have their cash benefits available on the 3rd banking day of each month. SNAP, previously called Food Stamp, benefits for these households are available on the 1st calendar day of each month.

Recipients’ Customer Service:

HI/DHS recipients who receive benefits via the EBT system are able to contact the EBT contractor’s customer service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to inquire on their account balance, to report lost, stolen or damaged cards, to change their PIN, or if they have questions or problems with their EBT account. The recipient’s customer service number is a toll-free number, 1-888-328-4292. (The TTY number is 1-800-855-2880.)

HI/DHS recipients can also obtain the same EBT information, such as obtain their account balance, change their PIN, report lost, stolen or damaged cards, etc., via the Internet at www.ebtaccount.jpmorgan.com.

Retailer Participation in the HI/EBT:

Hawaii retailers wishing to participate in the HI/EBT system must first be certified to accept SNAP benefits by the U. S. Department of Agriculture/Food and Nutrition Service (USDA/FNS) office. For a USDA/FNS retailer application, call toll-free 1-(877) 823-4369, or for more retailer information call the USDA/FNS Local Field Office at (808) 541-3664.

If the retailer is approved to accept SNAP benefits, the USDA/FNS will automatically notify the State’s EBT contractor of the retailer’s approval. Upon receipt of the USDA/FNS authorization notice, the State’s EBT contractor will mail an EBT Retailer Application packet to the retailer’s mailing address to complete. In order to conduct EBT transactions, the retailer is responsible to return a completed EBT Retailer Application to the State’s EBT contractor.

Last modified 11-03-2008 01:45 PM