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Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

Promising Practices

Reorganizing Office Operations
Prince George’s County Department of Social Services, Md

The Prince George’s County Department of Social Services in Maryland overhauled its operations in response to caseload increases and dwindling resources. A group of eligibility specialists, supervisors, clerical support and administrative staff met bi-weekly for six months to develop a plan that would speak to the welfare of the customers and the employees. Participation in the process by staff was vital to the successful development and implementation of the initiative, “The New Way”. Equally important was the honest assessment of the skills and abilities of all staff that play a role in the process. “The New Way” improved the quality of service to customers, promoted teamwork, used staff strengths, reduced stress, and enhanced the agency’s image. Because the practice was implemented using existing staff and resources the costs were minimal.

Since implementation, the agency’s customer service survey rated overall satisfaction as “good,” and revealed that staff members are courteous, knowledgeable and clear in providing instructions. It also has improved access to the Food Stamp Program and the improved the agency’s public image and increased the accountability of staff.

The transition, which was piloted in one office, was difficult. Now, however, staff reports that it is a relief to focus on one function as opposed to multiple functions.

Suggestions: Involve staff in the planning process. Staff from all levels of the agency participated on implementation teams.

For more information, contact:

Charlene Gallion, Deputy Director
Family Investment
Prince George’s County Department of Social Services
805 Brightseat Road, Landover, Maryland 20785
(301) 909-7020

Last modified: 11/21/2008