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Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

Promising Practices

Electronic Filing System
Florida Department of Children and Families, Suncoast Region

The Suncoast Region of Florida utilizes technology as a central component of its modernization initiative. The region developed a comprehensive electronic filing system and has eliminated file rooms and paper records from the majority of its service centers. Copy machines and fax machines are readily available in the lobbies of service centers to provide customers with the opportunity to submit verification at their convenience. The service centers employ technicians to scan and file all incoming verification. The elimination of file rooms has allowed the region to consolidate office space and reap substantial savings in rent and utilities.

Copy machines, fax machines, and digital scanners are necessary, as well as technicians to scan and file incoming verification and correspondence

This practice provides customers with a more convenient method to provide verification and allows eligibility workers to easily access materials, thus reducing application processing times.

For more information contact:

Lynn Richard Jr.
District Administrator
9393 N. Florida Avenue
Tampa, FL 33612
(813) 558-5900

Last modified: 11/21/2008