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Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

Promising Practices

Call Centers

Florida Department of Children and Families, Economic Self-Sufficiency Services
The Florida Department of Children and Families, Economic Self-Sufficiency Services has opened three innovative call centers in Jacksonville, Tampa, and Miami to facilitate program access. Customers throughout the State of Florida utilize a toll-free number to speak with an eligibility worker at a time convenient to the customer. Bilingual technicians are available for non-English speaking populations. Telephones with a direct connection to the call center are available in the lobbies of some service centers.
Personnel and equipment are necessary to maintain the three call centers.
This practice provides customers with a more convenient method to report changes and seek general program information. Call center eligibility workers are able to quickly access cases and make the appropriate changes to ensure payment accuracy. Customers with unreliable transportation or no transportation are not burdened with frequent visits to service centers.
For more information contact:
Connie Reinhardt, Acting Director
Economic Self-Sufficiency Services
Department of Children and Families
Winewood Boulevard
Building 3, Room 407A
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700

Last modified: 11/21/2008