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Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program


1) Describe the promising practice succinctly, but in as much detail as possible in the context of the State’s administrative practices related to the practice.


2) How long has the practice been fully implemented?


3) Did the State or local agency make policy changes in order to implement this promising practice? If so, please describe them.


4) Was this promising practice State or local in scope? If local in scope, please identify the city or county in which it was implemented.


5) Were additional resources necessary to implement and/or administer the promising practice? Were there any unanticipated costs associated with the practice? Please describe.


6) What impact has this promising practice had on employees, applicants and or recipients? Are there other benefits from the practice? If possible, please quantify.


7) Were there any unanticipated problems that have resulted from the practice? If so, how did you address them? Please describe.


8) What advice would you give to those interested in replicating the promising practice?


9) Name, title, mailing address, e-mail address, and telephone number of State/local agency contact person:

Last modified: 11/21/2008