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Aging Services

  Services for Persons who are Aging



Adult Protective Services

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A Statewide program available to clients 18 and older, who are endangered and unable to comprehend their danger.  Services include investigation of complaints of abuse, neglect or exploitation and, where no family support is available, temporary custody of the clients.  Reports should be made to the 24-hour hotline.  All information is confidential. 




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A Medicaid home and community-based program that provides attendant care and environmental modification services to individuals age 21 through 64 who meet the criteria for intermediate nursing home care. The individual’s income should be less than 300% of poverty and meet the resource limits for Medicaid. Persons who qualify may also receive regular Medicaid benefits. Individuals must be able to supervise their service providers whom they may choose from the list of eligible providers.


Assisted Living


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A Medicaid home and community-based waiver program that will be available in 2002 and will provide 24-hour supervision and supportive services, including limited nursing services in a congregate setting to persons age 21 and older.  To be available on a private pay basis and to Medicaid clients who meet eligibility for an intermediate nursing home placement, have income of no more than 300% of SSI and limited resources.




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A Medicaid home and community-based program that provides in-home services to individuals 65 and over. These in-home services are designed to delay or prevent institutionalization by maintaining, strengthening or restoring an eligible client’s functioning in his or her own home, that of a caregiver or foster home. Services may include adult day care, adult day health care, adult foster care, chore, home delivered meals, homemaker, personal emergency response system, and respite care.




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IndependentChoices offers Medicaid clients age 18 and older who are eligible for personal care to exchange agency services for a monthly cash allowance.  The client may use to the allowance to hire a personal care assistant or purchase goods and services related to personal care.  The program is available statewide and is funded in part by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, US Health and Human Services and Medicaid.


Ombudsman Program


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A statewide program, that advocates for the rights of long-term care residents. It is a statewide program of community advocates that addresses the complaints of nursing home and residential care facility residents. Its representatives provide information on facilities, work for systematic change, and monitor the activities of the regulatory system.


Additional Services Available to Elderly Arkansans

(For more information about the services below call 501-682-2441)

Adult Day Care services are community-based group programs designed to meet the needs of functionally and/or cognitively impaired adults through an individual case plan. These structured programs provide a variety of health, social and support services. Adult day centers operate programs during normal business hours, some programs offer evening and weekend services.

Adult Day Health Care provides a continuing, organized program of rehabilitative, therapeutic and supportive health and social services and activities to individuals who are not capable of independent living.

Adult Foster Care provides a family living environment for eligible clients who are functionally impaired and not capable of fully independent living. The home provides supportive services such as bathing, dressing, grooming, assistance with toileting and enhancement of skills and independence in daily living.

Attendant Care is a consumer-directed service allowing eligible Medicaid clients to hire and supervise personal assistants.  The assistant may provide guidance, assistance or total care of personal care needs and associated daily living tasks.

Case Management serves clients sixty-years of age or older who have limited functional capabilities and need assistance with the coordination of multiple services and/or resources may be eligible for this service. Case management services will assist recipients in gaining access to needed medical, social, educational and other services.  

Chore Services are for individuals without adequate help to perform services for them. This is a household service which may include running errands, preparing food, simple household tasks, heavy cleaning or yard and walk maintenance which the client is unable to perform alone and which do not require the services of a trained homemaker or other specialist.

Client Representation is provided by a knowledgeable worker who assists individuals in receiving services and benefits for which they are eligible.

Congregate Meals are available for individuals over 60. The meals are served in a group setting such as a senior center or elderly housing facility and are usually associated with activities to promote social interaction and reduce social isolation.

Employment Services provides an organized program of counseling, assessment, training and placement in employment, either subsidized or unsubsidized for individuals over 55 with limited incomes.

Environmental Modification includes modifications to the living environment that will make the environment more accessible to the client or increase the client’s level of self-dependence. 

Family Caregiver Program provides information to caregivers about services available and give assistance in gaining assess to the services. It will provide individual training and counseling for caregivers and help in organizing caregiver support groups. The program also provides respite to enable caregivers to be temporarily relieved from their care giving responsibility.  

Home Delivered Meals provides meals to clients who are age 60+(or spouse or disabled dependent of person age 60+), homebound, and unable to prepare nutritionally adequate meals, and living in an area where the meal can be delivered.

Homemaker provides household management tasks such as menu planning, bill paying, and checking account management. Individuals must be without significant social support systems able to perform services for them.  

Information and Assistance is available to all older persons, their families and friends. The service includes concrete information about services and benefits and where to obtain them; it may include assistance with referral to an agency providing the service or benefit and follow-up to see if the service was satisfactory.

Legal Assistance clients must be age 60+ needing legal advice that does not involve criminal charges.

Material Aid clients must be without significant support systems. Material aid is provision of goods or payment of bills to meet or prevent an imminent emergency. (For example, purchase of basic necessities for someone whose house has been destroyed by fire, or payment of a utility bill to prevent imminent shutoff of service or the distribution of such items as clothing, smoke detectors, eyeglasses or security devices.) 

Personal Care assists Medicaid clients in meeting daily living tasks to enable the client to remain in the community.  Traditionally personal care is provided by an agency but is available to some as a monthly cash allowance through the Independent Choices program.

 Personal Emergency Response System provides an in-home, 24-hour electric support system with two-way verbal and electronic communication with an emergency control center, which enables an elderly, infirm or homebound individual to secure immediate help in the event of a physical, emotional or environmental emergency.

Repair/Modification/Maintenance clients must reside in a home that they own or are in the process of buying, frail, in social need, greatest economic need and without significant social support. Home repairs essential for the health and safety of the elderly owner who is unable to perform the needed work; modifications to make the dwelling more accessible to physically disabled or frail owner; maintenance to service basic appliances, perform pest control, etc.  

Respite provides temporary relief to persons providing long-term care for clients in their homes. May be offered only in situations where there is a formal, primary caregiver. 

Socialization facilitates the client’s involvement in activities to reduce social isolation and promote social interaction and well being through on-going programs of physical and mental activity. 

Telephone Reassurance client must live alone or temporarily alone, or homebound in isolated areas. Service consists of telephone calls at appointed times to check client status; if contact is not made, assistance is sent.