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A Message from the Editor

January 7, 2009

The Hispanic population in the United States is growing quickly, and with it, there is a growing need for access to health information. The Hispanic Media Resources page is designed to provide credible health information and helpful links for Spanish-language media, as well as English-language media that reaches Hispanic audiences.

Here you will find Spanish-language press releases, public service announcements and other information; story ideas with Hispanic readers in mind; biographies of Spanish-speaking experts at CDC; and links to other sources of health information. The Hispanic Media Resources page is an excellent resource for CDC's partners to obtain timely, up-to-date information geared toward Hispanic audiences.

Warm Regards,

CDC Partnerships

CDC Headlines

CDC's Health Protection Game
People What must be done to improve the troubled U.S. health system? Different stakeholders have different ideas about what it will take to transform the current system and position America as the healthiest nation in a healthier world. This is where the Health Protection Game comes into play. >> read the full text

National Conference on Chronic Disease Prevention
Conference logoThe 20th National Conference on Chronic Disease Prevention and Control will celebrate two decades of extraordinary progress in the prevention and control of chronic diseases and draw on these successes to accelerate progress over the next 20 years. Conference presenters will share relevant information on innovations in science, policy, community interventions, health marketing, and information technology that support healthy lifestyles and cultivate healthy communities. >> read the full text

Women Need 400 Micrograms of Folic Acid Every Day
A woman reading a labelJanuary 5–11 is National Folic Acid Awareness Week. CDC urges every woman who could become pregnant to get 400 micrograms (400 mcg) of folic acid every day. >> read the full text

Events and Seminars

All events and seminars listed are open to CDC's partners. For more information, contact the POC listed. >> read the full text

February 2009
National Conference on Chronic Disease Prevention
February 23–25
Hosted by CDC, the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors, Directors of Health Promotion and Education and Prevention Research Centers

CDC Personnel

Donald J. (Joe) Boone, PhD, associate director for science, Division of Laboratory Systems, NCPDCID, January 22.

Harry Hannon, PhD, chief, Newborn Screening and Molecular Biology Branch, Division of Laboratory Sciences, NCPDCID, January 2.

Joanne L. Patton, health scientist, Division of Viral and Rickettsial Diseases, NCZVED, January 2.

Al Zarate, PhD, confidentiality officer, Office of Planning, Budget and Legislation, National Center for Health Statistics, January 3.

Former CDC employee Lawrence Odum, technical information assistant, Education, Information and Partnership Branch, National Immunization Program, died January 3.

Former CDC employee Erskine L. Palmer, PhD, world renowned for his research in viral diseases, died December 16, 2008.

Get Informed

Alliance for the Healthiest Nation

CDC-TV: Personal Stories: Why Flu Vaccination Matters

eGames Case Study: ReMission

Alliance for the Healthiest Nation

CDC Partnership Matters: Reader's Feedback
The bi-weekly update is prepared by CDC's Division of Partnership and Strategic Alliances. Readers are welcome to comment by e-mail to

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