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A Message from the Editor

Winter Storm Power Outages

CDC Headlines

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  • Ann Albright Receives Rachmiel Levine Medal for Service

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A Message from the Editor

December 24, 2008

CDC is responding to the effects of the winter storm power outages in the Northeast. CDC is committed to helping those impacted by the winter storms and their families recover and, therefore, want to make sure you have the most current information to help protect those who have been impacted.

Attached are links to information related to power outages that you may find particularly helpful to the communities you serve. Feel free to share this information as widely as possible. Additional language translations are also available.

If you have any additional questions or concerns that are not addressed below, you may call the CDC Hotline at 1-800-CDC-INFO (toll free) for calls originating in the United States.

A) Printed Materials

  1. Preventing the Health Effects associated with Winter Storms (frostbite, hypothermia, carbon monoxide, dangers associated with power outages)
  2. Cleaning up Safely after a Winter Storm (chain saw injury prevention, electrical hazards, carbon monoxide poisoning prevention)

B) PSAs related to winter storms

I. Available as Script, Audio, Video, ASL, Podcast

  1. Avoiding Carbon Monoxide Poisoning During a Power Outage

II. Available as Script, Audio, Podcast

  1. Preventing Hypothermia and Frostbite
  2. Recognizing Frostbite
  3. Recognizing Hypothermia
  4. Proper Use of Candles during a Power Outage

III. Available as Script, Audio

  1. Emergency Wound Care after a Disaster
  2. Preventing Chain Saw Injuries after a Disaster
  3. Coping with Depression and Thoughts of Suicide after a Disaster

IV. Available as Script, Video, ASL

  1. Handwashing after a Disaster

Warm Wishes for a Safe and Healthy Holiday,

CDC Partnerships

CDC Headlines

Preventing Childhood Injuries: Protect the Ones You Love
People Nearly 9.2 million children between birth and age 19 are seen each year in emergency departments for injuries. Injuries are the leading cause of death in children ages 19 and younger. You can play a life-saving role in protecting children from injuries. To assist, CDC has a new tool that aids in the prevention of child injuries. >> read the full text

Diabetes Work on Display at Smithsonian
Photo: A woman donating bloodThe original artwork from the Eagle Books series is on display at the Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI). Through the Eyes of the Eagle: Illustrating Healthy Living for Children is the first exhibition at NMAI targeting children. This first-time partnership between CDC and the Smithsonian was the result of a collaborative effort between the Division of Diabetes Translation, the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, and the Global Health Odyssey Museum. >> read the full text

CDC’s 2008 Top Ten Audio and Video Podcasts
Listening to a podcasastThe most frequently played podcast of 2008 provides key facts on methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), a hot topic for school officials, parents, and healthcare professionals. The second most popular podcast discusses hand hygiene and the importance of hand washing. Listen to or view the top CDC podcasts for 2008. >> read the full text

Events and Seminars

All events and seminars listed are open to CDC's partners. For more information, contact the POC listed. >> read the full text

Ann Albright (left) was presented the Rachmiel Levine Medal for Service by Karmeen Kulkani

Albright Receives Rachmiel Levine Medal for Service
In recognition of her leadership and service to the American Diabetes Association (ADA) as president, Healthcare and Education, Ann Albright, PhD, RD, received the organization's prestigious Rachmiel Levine Medal for Service. >> read the full text

CDC Personnel

Errol Reiss, PhD, microbiologist, Mycotic Diseases Branch, Division of Foodborne, Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases, NCZVED, January 2, 2009.

Ronald (Ron) F. Thomas, space planner, Buildings and Facilities Office, Office of the Chief Operating Officer, January 3, 2009.

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Extreme Cold: A Prevention Guide to Promote Your Personal Health and Safety

HPV-Associated Cancers in the US Population

NPIN Launches Featured Partner

Alliance for the Healthiest Nation

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The bi-weekly update is prepared by CDC's Division of Partnership and Strategic Alliances. Readers are welcome to comment by e-mail to

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