The Library of Congress >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >>Tanzania
Portals to the World: Links to Electronic Resources from Around the World selected by Library of Congress Subject Experts
Selected Internet Resources

General Resources: Tanzania


Created and maintained by the
 African & Middle Eastern Division,
Collections and Services Directorate

The sites listed below were chosen for their utility in providing information (either brief or extensive) as well as directories and more extensive portal pages concerning aspects of Tanzanian life and culture. An ever-growing Tanzanian expatriate community has been created around the globe. Many of the following web sites stem from these Tanzanian communities.

For Library of Congress contact information and materials, consult the Tanzania Country page of the African Section of the African and Middle Eastern Division or the Library of Congress Online Catalog . To track bills and other Congressional materials having to do with the topic, consult the Library’s Thomas Legislative Information page.

ArushaNet (
“Arusha, a town in the northeastern Tanzania (commonly known as the little Geneva of Tanzania) is nestled in the shadow of Mount Meru with commanding views of the roof of Africa, the mighty Kilimanjaro mountain. Arusha is visited by thousands of tourists every year as it happens to be the gateway to the famous northern safari circuit proud of its unique world-renowned national parks.”

CIA -- The World Factbook (
An annual publication of the CIA, contains up-to-date information on all aspects of the political, social and military history of a particular country.

Country Reports about ... (
Offers links to sites about many countries by such subjects as government, the military, economy, the weather, etc.

Development Gateway Country Overview (
“The Development Gateway helps communities, organizations, and individuals build partnerships, share ideas, and work together to reduce poverty.” Search by development projects as well as by country to identify additional web sites and documents. (
From the Electronic Library, searching the by country provides numerous narrative articles on its history, culture, politics.

Government of Tanzania (
This official web site of the government of Tanzania is available in both English and Swahili versions. It offers a great deal of information in an attractive and easy--to-use format. Those interested in doing business with Tanzania or in the development process of the country will find this site particularly helpful.

Hassan Alis Home Page (
Offers links to many sites helpful to those interested in basic information about the Swahili language and cultural life of Tanzania.

Infoplease (
Part of the electronic Learning Network, this homepage allows searches by country which yield articles in almanacs, dictionaries, encyclopedias, biographical works, etc. Additional reference links are provided as well.

Islamic Calendar Converter (
This English language website not only converts the present Gregorian date, in common use in the West, to its modern Hijra equivalent (in common use in the Islamic World), it also provides a mechanism, based on software developed by Waleed A. Muhanna, to convert all past dates from Gregorian-Hijra or Hijra-Gregorian.

Lifestyle Opportunity Organization (
Searchable by country and subject, the site offers access to many interesting sites.

Lonely Planet - Destinations (
Search by country to find information on travel, attractions, history, culture, and environment. of that location.

MBendi Profile: Tanzania - Overview (
Presents information about and web links to a range of subjects, especially economics. (
Searchable by country, regions and topics. Includes current headlines and special reports.

Online Travel Guide to Tanzania (
Published by the Tanzania Tourist Board and Safariweb, the site offers information arranged in the following broad categories: “Basic Facts, TravelAdvisory, Tourism Profile, National Attractions [includes National Parks], Archeological Sites, Safaris, Major Centres, Zanzibar, Mount Kilimanjaro, SOuvenirs, Useful Addresses [and] References...”

Tanserve (
Offers information on a range of topics concerning East Africa, particularly Tanzania, including news, activities for tourists, and general background essays.

Tanzania Embassy. Washington, D.C (
"Tanzania Embassy is the office in charge of diplomatic activities between the Governments of the United Republic of Tanzania and that of the United States of America. Its main duty is the enhancement of good relations between the people and governments of the two countries. Among its other duties are the function of collecting, storing and disseminating information about Tanzania in the areas of Government and its institutions, Economic and Development pointers, Business, Trade and Investment opportunities, Tourism, History, People and Culture. The Embassy is also accredited to Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and Venezuela."

Tanzania Online (
"Tanzania Online is a gateway to information on development issues in Tanzania. It is a UNDP/UN, Government of Tanzania and Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF) initiative to address problems faced by Government officials, policy makers, private sector, civil society, donor community, researchers and academicians accessing information on development issues in Tanzania." This well-organized site presents links to other Tanzanian related web sites in an easy-to-use display. (
Offers links to a wide variety of Tanzanian sites and also searches by keyword.

United Nations (
The official site of the United Nations provides articles, reports, etc. in several languages on all aspects of the initiatives and mission of that organization as well as on the contemporary life, culture, society, international relations, etc. of all the countries and peoples of the world.

United Nations ReliefWeb (
“ReliefWeb is a project of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)... serving the information needs of the humanitarian relief community” Offers news updates to crisis situations around the world and includes information about refugee camps and other relief efforts.

United States. Agency for International Development. Development Experience Clearinghouse (DEC) (
“The purpose of the DEC is to strengthen USAID's development projects, activities, and programs by making ... development experience documents available to USAID offices and mission staff, PVO's, NGO's, universities and research institutions, developing countries, and the public worldwide.”

United States. Department of State (
Numerous documents concerning diplomatic and international relations, travel advice and warnings relating to the countries of the world are available on the State Department’s official site by searching under a particular country’s name.

United States. Library of Congress. Virtual Reference Shelf (
The Library of Congress has mounted this useful site on its home page to give scholars and researchers access to common online sources which are excellent for initial stages of research. These online tools are organized by subject and format, e.g., "Almanacs and Fast Facts," "Directories," "Libraries," etc.

World Desk Reference (
Searchable by country, this is the online version of the handbook with more than 5000 illustrations and maps.

Zanzinet Forum (
“Zanzinet is a forum that brings together Zanzibaris of all backgrounds and from all corners of the world to discuss and share ideas and information about matters relating to and for the benefit of Zanzibar.”

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  Library of Congress >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >>Tanzania
  November 3, 2005
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