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Libraries, Archives: Bulgaria

Created and maintained by the
 European Division
Collections and Services Directorate

This pathfinder provides links to the major libraries in Bulgaria, as well as to the Bulgarian Library Association. For information about and links to all the national libraries of Europe, visit The European Library site. The Library of Congress' catalog may be consulted at

Libraries (
List of links to libraries in Bulgaria and other countries as well as to other library-related sites. The language of the site is indicated in parentheses after the title. In Bulgarian.

Библиотеките в България (
Portal devoted to libraries and library science. Includes links to library schools, libraries, online catalogs, etc. In Bulgarian.

Bulgarian Book Association (
Founded in 1994, the Bulgarian Book Association is comprised of over 100 publishers. It organizes book fairs and promotes publishing in Bulgaria. In Bulgarian and English.

Bulgarian Library Association (
Official site of the Bulgarian Library Association. Includes a list of links to Bulgarian libraries with Web sites and with online catalogs. It has both English and Bulgarian versions, but there is more information on the Bulgarian pages.

Central Library of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (
This is the oldest Bulgarian library. Besides providing services typical of a large research library, it also conducts research and publishes in the disciplines of library and information science, bibliography, sociology of reading, and library technology. The site is available in both Bulgarian and English.

Central Technical Library (
The Central Technical Library in Sofia is one of Bulgaria's largest research libraries and a major provider of information in the fields of science, technology and economics. In Bulgarian and English.

Public Library "Pencho Slaveykov" - Varna (
This is the public library of Varna, one of the larger cities in Bulgaria. In Bulgarian and English.

Sts. Cyril and Methodius National Library (
The National Library, the largest research library in Bulgaria, is an archival repository for all Bulgarian print format publications. In addition, it is a national bibliographic center. Several online catalogs are available for searching. Use Cyrillic characters for items in languages that print in the Cyrillic alphabet, use Latin characters for other languages. The Bulgarian pages hold more information than the English pages.

St. Kliment Ohridski - Sofia University's Library (
Sofia University Library is an integral part of Bulgaria's oldest university. It is an invaluable information resources for educational, research and cultural activities at the University. In Bulgarian and English, but more information is available on the Bulgarian pages.

Online Databases and Catalogs

Електронин каталози (
List of Bulgarian online catalogs. Compiled by the portal Библиотеките в България. In Bulgarian.

Online Catalog of the Libraries of BAS
This is the online catalog of the libraries of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Search using Cyrillic characters for items in languages that print in the Cyrillic alphabet, search using Latin characters for items in languages that print in the Latin alphabet. The search interface is in English.

Sofia University Electronic Catalog (
Online catalog of the Sofia University Library. Information and interfaces in Bulgarian and English, but the catalog must be searched with Cyrillic fonts for Bulgarian language materials. Due to display issues, for Bulgarian materials it is better to use the Bulgarian interface as well. For non-Cyrillic materials, use Latin characters.


Главно управление на архивите при Министерския съвет (ГУА) (
This is the site of the General Department of Archives at the Council of Ministers (GDA) of the Republic of Bulgaria. In Bulgarian and English.

Digital Collections

Литературен клуб: Електронен вестник и виртуална библиотека (
Electronic library of the full-text of Bulgarian and world literature. In Bulgarian.

Словото:   Българска виртуална библиотека (
Online library of works by Bulgarian authors from all eras. Works can be found under author, under title, or under literary time period. Also provides biographies of authors. In Bulgarian, but some works and biographies have been translated into English, French, German, Russian, and Hungarian.

Виртуална духовна библиотека (
Virtual library of religious texts in Bulgarian and Russian. The site is in Bulgarian.


Sources for Slavic and East European Library Materials (
This site is a list of Slavic and East European book and serial vendors. The list is created and maintained by American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies BDC Subcommittee on Collection Development.

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  Library of Congress   >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Bulgaria
  January 7, 2009
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